


美式发音: [ˈperəntɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈpeərəntɪŋ]







1.养育;抚养;教养the process of caring for your child or children

good/poor parenting教养有方╱无方

parenting skills教养子女的技巧


n.1.the activities involved in being a parent and raising children

1.养育 儿童产品 Child Products 育儿 Parenting 资讯科技工具 IT Gadgets ...

4.家庭与育儿 家居( Home & Garden) 家庭与育儿( Parenting & Famipes) Story of Fashion 时装的故 …

5.父母对孩子的养育 esteem vt./n. 尊敬,尊重 parenting n. 父母对孩子的养育 revision n. 修订,修改 ...

6.教养像教养(Parenting)及食物频道(The Food Network)等杂志,以及美国各地的一些报纸,也都提供免费的广告。这个宣导活动也和 …


1.Do not discuss child support or property when trying to resolve a parenting plan.在解决问题时,不要讨论抚养和财产。

2."Every mother makes mistakes and I'm no different, " writes Spears, who has been harshly criticized in the media for her parenting skills.“每个母亲都会犯错,我也一样,”Spears写道,此前她培养子女的能力遭到了媒体的强烈谴责。

3.I might have encouraged many of these activities anyway; however, this framework has brought my parenting pfe some greater clarity.我有可能鼓励这些活动反正很多,但是,这个框架我的父母带来了生活中的一些更清晰。

4.Undoubtedly, many readers will find Chua's approach to self-esteem-building and parenting a bit unorthodox, to say the least.毫无疑问,很多读者至少会认为蔡教授帮助孩子建立自尊的方式有点不太正统。

5.And we might be able to develop some kind of intervention programs to help mothers feel more rewarded about their parenting and their baby.我们可以去开发一些干涉项目来帮助妈妈们感觉她们对孩子养育还有她们的宝宝是更有价值的。

6.Oddly enough, despite the youth-skewed demographics, they seek out parenting info more than users of any other network.奇怪的是,虽然他们的年龄都比较年轻,但是他们对生育类的信息需求要比其他社交网络的用户大。

7.The twelve or so teenagers who pve at the shelter attend parenting classes four days a week. The class is called Mommy and Me.住在收容所的12岁到19岁的少女妈妈会参加一周4天的父母课堂.这个课程叫做妈妈和我。

8.Chua had to go on a national media tour just to explain herself, less she be thought of as an American parenting bashing China snob.为此,她不得不在美国各地的媒体上进行解释,以免被人认为是一个抨击美式家长教育方式的中国假内行。

9.So, here's the point I'm trying to make: All our parenting is done out of the context of who we are and what we know.所以,在这里我的观点是:在不需要了解我们是谁和我们知道什么的状况下,我们所有的养育过程其实已经完成。

10.The "Disney Princess Effect" seems to be a constant debate not only in parenting circles, but in the blogosphere as well.不论是关注幼儿教育的家长圈,还是网上的博客圈,人们都一直围绕“迪斯尼公主效应”争论不休。