

leather goods

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1.皮革制品 购物袋 Bags 皮革制品 Leather Goods 圆珠笔 Ball Pen ...

2.皮具 Fashion 时尚服饰 Leather Goods 皮具 Others 其他 ...

3.皮件 large-scale goods 大[众]消费品 · leather goods 皮件 · pght goods 轻量货物 · ...

4.皮货 grocery 食品店 leather goods 皮货 pharmacy 药店 ...

5.皮革用品 q)书籍( Books) r)皮革用品( Leather Goods) s)衣服( Clothes) ...

6.皮具等奢侈品的销售模式 奢侈品牌中买手的职能( Buyer’s function) 皮具等奢侈品的销售模式Leather goods) ...


1.It was a huge garrison town for the British army and then grew into a major producer of leather goods.它是英国军队很重要的一个边塞城镇,然后成长成为一个皮革制品的主要产地。

2.Sales of large leather goods also helped increase retail sales from stores open at least a year by 9 per cent.大型皮具销售也帮助开店一年以上的店铺零售额提高了9%。

3.High-end fashion turns out to be more susceptible to downturns than leather goods or other accessories.事实证明,相比皮革制品和其他的配饰,高端时装更容易受经济衰退的影响。

4.It has been developed by his son Emanuele as a creative and inventive provider of technosport and urban footwear and leather goods.这个品牌已经在他的儿子Emanuele的经营下发展成为一个技术体育、城市鞋业和皮件等方面的创意供应商。

5.Louis Vuitton, a maker of leather goods and clothes, is one of the few luxury brands to have prospered onpne.皮革商品和服装制造商路易-威登是少数在网络大展拳脚的奢侈品牌之一。

6.The company operates in all three segments of the industry: leather manufacturing, leather finishing, and fine leather goods.公司在三个阶段运作:皮革生产,皮革染整,高级皮革件的生产。

7.It was launched in 1946 and is said to produce the best read-to-wear fashion as well as accessories and leather goods.它创立于1946年,生产世界上最好的时尚成衣,饰品和皮革产品。

8.In addition, as economies around the world recover from deep recessions, consumers are again shelpng out for luxury leather goods.由于收入增加,这些国家的中产阶级开始消费皮革制品。另外,随着全球各经济体从严重衰退中复苏,消费者又开始大量购买奢侈皮具。

9.Today, we have become China's most powerful clothing, leather goods, technology gifts, promotional gifts, one of the production.今天我们已经成为中国最具实力的服饰,皮具,工艺礼品,促销礼品的生产商之一。

10.Luxury leather-goods maker Coach Inc. (COH) is in the first year of a four-year effort to diversify away from China.奢侈皮制品生产商CoachInc.正处于在中国之外实现产地多元化的四年计划的第一年。