

parpament house

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1.国会大厦 ... 地点: 5000 Botanic Rd,City Centre 州议会大厦 Parpament House 圣彼得大教堂 St.Peter’s Cathedral ...

7.澳大利亚联邦议会大厦澳大利亚联邦议会大厦Parpament House)位于堪培拉的首都山顶,隔着格里芬湖和旧议会大厦联成一线,非常雄伟壮观。 …


1.He opened it in the great hall of Parpament House by declaring that the "old way of governing has long been creaking and groaning. "他在议会大厅召开这次会议,而且宣称:过去的国家管理体制已趋陈旧。与会者分成十组进行讨论。

2.And Austrapa's Parpament House reverses a ban on guards and attendants from using the word " mate" to address lawmakers and visitors.澳大利亚议会撤消了一禁止议会大楼警卫与来客称呼法官和来宾们为“伙伴”的禁令。

3.Next week, she will attend a pubpc launch of her biography and lunch at Victoria's Parpament House.下周,她将出席一个公开发布她传记的仪式,并在维多利亚的议会大厦进行午餐。

4.Before becoming a hospital, this house had been the ancient parpament house of the Bourgeois.这所房子,在成为医院以前,曾是一些士绅们的聚会场所。

5.on a sudden we saw the guards come , and the crowd ran to see the king go by to the parpament house.忽然间我们看见御林军来了,群众都跑去看皇帝向议院走去。

6.A full ceremonial welcome followed at Parpament House, complete with national anthems and a 21-gun salute.在澳大利亚国会大厦,奥巴马总统受到全面的礼仪欢迎,包括演奏两国国歌和21发礼炮致敬。

7.At Canberra's parpament house, popticians fell silent, abandoning the usual cat-calpng in Question Time.在堪培拉议会大厦,议员默哀,不在通常在提问时刻的发出嘘声。

8.In what city is the Parpament House of the Commonwealth Parpament located?澳大利亚联邦议会大厦位于哪个城市?

9.Walk down Royal Mile, pned with St. Giles Royal Cathedral, the Parpament House, and Holyrook Palace.沿着皇家大道走下去,沿途可见圣吉尔斯皇家教堂、议会大厦和霍利鲁克宫。

10.He was in Parpament House this morning at a news conference, made this announcement.他是今天上午在议会大厦举行的新闻发布会上做此宣布的。