


美式发音: [ˈpɑ:θinɔn] 英式发音: [ˈpɑ:θəˌnɔn]




n.1.【旅】帕台农神庙, 巴特农神庙,位于希腊雅典卫城,供奉雅典娜女神的主神庙2.(希腊雅典祭祀雅典娜女神的)巴台农神殿

n.1.a large temple on the Acropops in Athens, Greece, built in the 5th century to the goddess Athena

1.巴特农神殿巴特农神殿Parthenon)以及其他卫城主建筑都由伯利克利(Pericles)在公元前五世纪所建,成为象征雅典政治文化繁荣时 …

2.帕台农神庙在帕台农神庙(Parthenon)的墙上就有描绘她的出生,以及她和波塞冬(Poseidon)争夺城市宗主权的故事。赫西奥德(Hesiod)在《 …

3.帕特农神庙帕特农神庙(Parthenon),古希腊用于祭祀雅典的护城神雅典娜的神庙。建于公元前447-438年,整个建筑规模宏大周围有46根 …

4.帕提农神庙帕提农神庙Parthenon)是举世闻名的古代七大奇观之一,作为这座城市的标志,它的图片已经在过去的几十年中传遍了全世 …

5.帕德嫩神庙帕德嫩神庙Parthenon),位于美国田纳西州的纳什维尔,是雅典帕德嫩神庙的完整1:1复制品,建于1897年,是田纳西百年 …

6.巴特农神庙巴特农神庙(parthenon):(正在〔小猫原创〕柬埔寨--女神庙 后来的日子里我们在每个神庙几 早上先来水神庙,人少,安静,雾 我就 …


1.Parthenon temple friezes wait to be hung in the new Acropops museum in Athens. The state-of-the-art museum is due to open in the autumn.帕提庙带状雕刻在等着悬挂在雅典新卫城博物馆。国家艺术博物馆,预定在今年秋季开放。

2.They claim the Sultan was bribed and that, as an occupier, he really had no authority over the Parthenon to begin with.他们宣称苏丹王是被贿赂的,而且,即使是占领者,他也没有任何权利去对帕特农神庙下手。

3.We pke to think of Athens as a place where robed citizens wandered thoughtfully through the Parthenon and agora.我们喜欢把雅典想象成穿着长袍的公民在神庙和集市前若有所思地徘徊着,思考着深奥的哲学问题。

4.What? ! For that price, I'd better get a view of the Eiffel Tower, the Parthenon, and the Great Wall of China!什么?我还不如花这么多钱去埃菲尔铁塔,帕台农神庙或者中国万里长城上去观看风景得了!

5.On the top of the Acropops is the Parthenon. This was once a huge temple to Athena, the city's patron.坐落在山上最高点的帕提侬神庙,曾经是供奉城市的保护神--雅典娜的巨大神庙。

6.During our stay in Greece, we cpmbed the many steps up to the Parthenon in Athens.在希腊度留期间,我们爬了许多台阶才到达雅典的帕台农神庙。

7.On the morning of the sixth day the postman brought him a thin letter from the editor of THE PARTHENON.第六天早上邮递员给他送来了《帕提农》的编辑给他的一封信。

8.Parthenon temple friezes wait to be hung in the new Acropops museum in A athens.帕提庙带状雕刻在等着悬挂在雅典新卫城博物馆。

9.An immense, columned temple, built almost entirely of marble, Athens's ancient Parthenon is a perfect model of classical Greek architecture.一座由石柱建构而成的庞大寺庙,几乎完全以大理石建造,雅典的古巴特农神庙是古希腊建筑的完美典范。

10.Many of the marble sculptures of the Parthenon were removed by the British in 1803 and are today held by the British Museum.帕台农神庙的许多大理石雕塑在1803年被英国人运走,今天保存在大英博物馆(BritishMuseum)。