



美式发音: [pɑː(r)ˈtisiˌpeɪt] 英式发音: [pɑː(r)ˈtɪsɪpeɪt]



过去式:participated  现在分词:participating  第三人称单数:participates  搭配同义词反义词

adv.+v.actively participate,fully participate

adj.+n.country participate


v.contribute,partake,take part,chip in,join



v.1.to take part in something

1.参加 Oversaw 视察 Participated 参加 Performed 履行,表演 ...

2.参与 academics 学习,学术 participated 参加, 参与 lunar missions 月球探测使命 ...

3.参加了 Welsh 威尔士的 participated 参加了 entrants 参赛者 ...

4.参与的发生(not-separated) 服务是消费者易参与的(participated) 服务品牌 品牌是一个名字、术语、符号、标记、设计,或其组合, …

5.参与者1 行销与 服务 的意义 、范围与功能在整体 服务流程 中,顾客也是参与者Participated). 例:顾客到stpi.org.twnarl.org.tw 37 …


7.分享的因为只是局部存有,他还想向上发展,认识更多更高的存有,直至无限。由此可知认识的存有是分享的Participated),不是 …


1.From the time of Commodus, who participated in its mysteries, its supporters were to be found in all classes.克蒙突斯时期开始,分享了它的神秘,它的支持者在所有阶级都可以找到。

2.His wife participated with him in his sufferings.他妻子与他共患难。

3.Welch pressed his theory of a "Boundary less" culture in which all levels of the company participated in innovation and problem solving.韦尔奇将他的“无边界”理论大力贯彻到公司文化中,使公司上下积极参与改革,解决既有问题。

4.Mr Cheung did not take account of his activities participated in the draw, so they delete thee-mail.张先生考虑到自己未参加过抽奖活动,于是将邮件删除。

5.But he also made it clear that he was ready to hunt all the "rats" to epminate anyone who participated.不过他也表态说他已经做好“捕鼠”准备,以清除所有起义的参与者。

6.Also I know how much he hated Sony and I participated by his side during his fight. I could never betray Michael by supporting Sony.而且我知道他有多恨索尼,我也加入过他抗争的行列,我永远也不能背叛迈克尔去支持索尼的。

7.Recently, Wu Gui participated in the Hangzhou TV's " people skills competition" program, referred to his gambpng stories.近日,吴贵一在参加杭州卫视的《奇人绝技大比拼》节目时,提到了自己反赌的故事。

8.About a year-and-a-half ago, I participated in a seminar where this figure was launched.大约一年以前,我参加了一个研讨会,这个数字就是在那里发布的。

9.For the next three months, they participated in supervised yoga classes for 45 minutes at a time, three times a week.接下来的三个月,他们在监督下参加每周三次每次45分钟的瑜珈班。

10.She participated in UNICEF Young Leader Program and was one of the delegates to visit UN quarters.翠盈曾参加联合国儿童基金青年领袖计划前往瑞士日内瓦进行交流活动。