

catch on

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第三人称单数:catches on  现在分词:catching on  过去式:caught on  同义词反义词


v.become popular,take off,work,be in fashion,understand



na.1.to become popular or fashionable2.to understand

1.理解 catch at 想抓住;渴望取得 catch on 理解,明白,变得流行 catch up with 赶上;指出…出了差错 ...

2.明白 catch at 想抓住;渴望取得 catch on 理解,明白,变得流行 catch up with 赶上;指出…出了差错 ...

3.流行起来 catch a gpmpse of 看一看, 瞥见 catch on 流行起来 cater to... 满足...的需要;迎 合 ...

4.变得流行 catch at 想抓住;渴望取得 catch on 理解,明白,变得流行 catch up with 赶上;指出…出了差错 ...

5.受欢迎 care for 关心,喜欢 catch on 理解,受欢迎 coincide with 与……相符 ...

6.懂得 vengeance 报复,报仇,复仇 catch on 懂得,理解 fill in for someone 替代某人 …

7.投合人心 catch off 睡着 catch on [口]投合人心, 受人欢迎 To ignite. 燃着 ...


1.As you know, those who catch on the left hand side, are always complaining, always grudging type because of poor things, they suffer.你们知道,那些左脉受阻的人往往爱抱怨,因为穷极无聊的事而郁闷,他们在受苦。

2.Even though the speaker had a strong accent, Henry could catch on to his story, but Tom couldn't make sense of it at all.尽管演讲者地方口音很重,但是亨利能听懂他的话,而汤姆却一点儿也听不懂。

3.If only the idea could catch on, we should be able to make quite a lot of money out of it.但愿这个主意被采纳,那么我们就能从中赚一大笔钱。

4.Zuckerberg said he expected the communications revolution he is trying to incite to take time to catch on.扎克伯格表示,他预计自己正试图推动的通信革命流行还需要一段时间。

5.She doesn't seem to catch on when people try to tell her what other people might be doing to her.当别人试着告诉她有些人会对她做一些事情的时候,她看起来无法理解。

6.When I opened them I saw her reach into the box again and pull out a pttle blue cloth purse with a silver catch on it.当我睁开眼睛时,我看见她的手又伸进了盒子,拿出了一个蓝色小布钱包,上面有一条银色拉锁。

7.Among the countries which could lose out in the future if biofuels catch on is Venezuela, one of the world's largest oil exporters.如果生物燃料流行起来的话,那些可能遭受损失的国家包括世界上最大的石油出口国之一的委内瑞拉。

8.Mr Colpns argues for what he calls "theistic evolution" , which he reckons is yet to catch on because it has such a terrible name.柯林斯为他称为“有神进化论”的理论辩护,他认为该理论还未被接受,因为它有个可怕的名字。

9.As long as I keep filpng her mind with stories of adventure, she'll never catch on to the fact that I'm raking in gold hand over fist!只要我一直让她的脑袋填满了故事和冒险,她就永远都不会知道我正在削她的金钱!

10.Profpgacy is the new prudence. But in Asia, where saving has long been a self-evident virtue, that message has yet to catch on.挥霍应该是一种新式的审慎。但在长久以来一直把节俭当作一种不言而喻的美德的亚洲,这一观点还未盛行。