



美式发音: [pɑː(r)ˈtisiˌpeɪt] 英式发音: [pɑː(r)ˈtɪsɪpeɪt]



过去式:participated  现在分词:participating  第三人称单数:participates  搭配同义词反义词

adv.+v.actively participate,fully participate

adj.+n.country participate


v.contribute,partake,take part,chip in,join



v.1.to take part in something

1.参与 parent class( 父类) participates参与) partition( 分区) ...

2.报名参与 ... >> 服务提供商 SERVICE PROVIDERS >> 报名参与 PARTICIPATES >>商标注册业务 TRADEMAR…

3.参与者 ... 3.1 Problems 问题 3.2 Participates 参与者 3.3 Instrumental orientation 调研目标 ...


1.A specified table that participates in the partitioned view may not be actually used in a specific execution of a query against the view.在对分区视图执行某次特定查询时,可能实际上并未使用组成该视图的某个指定表。

2.But it is more accurate to say that it participates in the pastor's apostolate. They assist him in the work of pastoral planning.但更准确地说,它参与了牧者的传教使命,因为议员们是在协助牧者规划他的牧民工作。

3.Q: During the recent Tokyo Film Festival, the two sides across the Taiwan Straits disputed over the name under which Taiwan participates.问:最近举行的东京电影节上,两岸由于台湾参与名称问题发生争执。

4.Another woman participates in a bicycle race and is chased by her husband and family, berating her for falpng down on her wifely duties.另一个女人参加了自行车比赛被她的丈夫和家庭追逐,责斥她要尽家庭职责。

5.When the president of the court or the head of a tribunal participates in collegiate panel trial, they should at as the presiding judge.院长或者庭长参加合议庭审判案件的时候,自己担任审判长。

6.If the column participates in a relationship, a message prompts you to confirm the deletion of the selected columns and their relationships.如果该列参与了关系,则将显示一条消息,提示您确认删除所选列及其关系。

7.Also consider which type of wheelchair would be best suited for school and any other activities your child participates in.还有一个应考虑的因素是:哪种轮椅最适用于孩子参加的学校活动和其它活动。

8.A young woman in an elaborate traditional headdress participates in a beauty pageant in Darhan, one of Mongopa's largest cities.一个带着传统复杂头饰的年轻女子参加了在达尔汗举办的一场盛会。

9.A Label participates in the tab order of a form, but does not receive focus (the next control in the tab order receives focus).Label参与窗体的Tab键顺序,但不接收焦点(Tab键顺序中的下一个控件接收焦点)。

10.The value returned from the procedure participates in the expression just as the value of a variable or constant would.从过程返回的值可以像变量或常数的值一样参与到表达式中。