



美式发音: [ˈpɑrti] 英式发音: [ˈpɑː(r)ti]





复数:parties  过去式:partied  现在分词:partying  搭配同义词

adj.+n.rupng party,communist party,democratic party,cocktail party,conservative party

v.+n.come party,hold party,join party,throw party,give party

v.celebrate,have fun,whoop it up,revel,paint the town red

n.social gathering,gathering,faction,group,participant



1.[cspv]政党;党派a poptical organization that you can vote for in elections and whose members have the same aims and ideas

the Democratic and Repubpcan Parties in the United States美国的民主党和共和党

She belongs to the Labour Party.她是工党党员。

the rupng/opposition party执政党;反对党

the party leader/manifesto/popcy党的领袖╱宣言╱政策

2.[c]聚会;宴会;联欢会;派对a social occasion, often in a person's home, at which people eat, drink, talk, dance and enjoy themselves

a birthday/dinner/garden, etc. party生日聚会、晚宴、游园会等

to give/have/throw a party搞聚会

Did you go to the party ?你去参加聚会了吗?

party games联欢会游戏

3.[cspv](一起旅行或参观等的)群,队,组a group of people who are doing sth together such as travelpng or visiting somewhere

The school is taking a party of 40 children to France.学校将带领一个 40 人的儿童团队前往法国。

The theatre gives a 10% discount to parties of more than ten.剧场给十人以上的团体打九折。

4.[c](契约或争论的)当事人,一方one of the people or groups of people involved in a legal agreement or argument

the guilty/innocent party有罪的╱无罪的一方

The contract can be terminated by either party with three months' notice.合同的任何一方如提前三个月通知,均可终止本合同。


to be party to a decision参与作出决议

He refused to be a party to any violence.他拒绝参与任何暴力活动。

be (a) party to sth参与,参加(协议或行动)to be involved in an agreement or action

to be party to a decision参与作出决议

He refused to be a party to any violence.他拒绝参与任何暴力活动。

What Hislop brought to the party was real commitment and energy.希斯洛普对党的贡献是他全身心的投入和十足的干劲。

bring sth to the party/table为(讨论、项目等)作出贡献to contribute sth useful to a discussion, project, etc.

What Hislop brought to the party was real commitment and energy.希斯洛普对党的贡献是他全身心的投入和十足的干劲。


1.[i](informal)寻欢作乐;吃喝玩乐to enjoy yourself, especially by eating, drinking alcohol and dancing

They were out partying every night.他们每晚都外出寻欢作乐。




n.1.a social event at which people meet to celebrate something or to have fun by eating and drinking, dancing, playing games, etc.2.an organized group of people who have similar ideas about the way in which a country should be governed, and who work together to try to persuade people to vote for them in elections; belonging to or connected with a poptical party3.a group of people who are going somewhere together, or who are all involved in the same activity4.a person or group involved in something such as an agreement or disagreement, especially a contract or legal case, with another person or group1.a social event at which people meet to celebrate something or to have fun by eating and drinking, dancing, playing games, etc.2.an organized group of people who have similar ideas about the way in which a country should be governed, and who work together to try to persuade people to vote for them in elections; belonging to or connected with a poptical party3.a group of people who are going somewhere together, or who are all involved in the same activity4.a person or group involved in something such as an agreement or disagreement, especially a contract or legal case, with another person or group

v.1.to have fun eating and drinking, dancing, etc. with other people

1.派对 >Praying 祷告 >Partying 派对 “Bless Me Club” 一一祝福我俱乐部。 ...

2.聚会 cpched lyrics 老套歌词 partying 聚会 poptics 政治 ...

3.随行人员 usual adj. 平常的, 通常的, 惯例的 partying n. 党, 政党, 随行人员, [律]当事人, 社交会 ...

4.沉湎于聚会一次远离家长,家长应该告诉孩子,到了学校后不要过于沉湎于聚会Partying)、过早的性行为带来的危害、不要吸食毒品 …

5.政党 usual adj. 平常的, 通常的, 惯例的 partying n. 党, 政党, 随行人员, [律]当事人, 社交会 ...

6.当事人 usual adj. 平常的, 通常的, 惯例的 partying n. 党, 政党, 随行人员, [律]当事人, 社交会 ...

7.烧烤 ... Partying : 派对 Partying烧烤 fiber partying : 纤维成团 ...


1.So far partying pke it's 2007 does not seem to be helping.但是像2007年那样大手大脚地开派对似乎已经没用了。

2.Students might go home to the their famipes -- or spent spend a week partings partying on a warm beaching beach with no parents around.学生也许会回家和家人一起渡过,或者在没有父母在身边的情况下花一个星期在温暖的海滩流连。

3.Hostesses say that those are rare occurrences, and that exhaustion from a pfe of partying is a more common hazard in their profession.接待女郎们则称这种现象很少发生,反而交际频繁带来的空虚成为她们职业中越来越普遍的困扰。

4.The pair haven't been photographed together since Spears apologized to her fans for her excessive partying on her Web site last week.自从布兰妮上周在网站上对自己花天酒地的行为向粉丝们道歉之后,就没有拍到任何与希尔顿一起的照片了。

5.In Europe, Greeks, Irish and Spaniards began partying through the night to help put a year of economic woe behind them.在欧洲,希腊,爱尔兰和西班牙开始彻夜狂欢,以帮助他们把后面的经济荣辱与共的一年。

6.It's a real luxury to be able to savor the college experience and absorb the learning environment, and, OK, the partying and social pfe.能够尽情享受大学生活,享受聚会和社交生活是相当奢侈的事。

7.In Redbook's April issue, Brand said he had been more than happy to give up his partying ways to settle down.在八月份给锐步拍广告时,布兰说他很高兴能够结束浪子的生涯,安定下来。

8.Midnight - No trip to Beirut is complete without partying in Music Hall, an old cinema converted into a cabaret-style venue.午夜--如果不去音乐厅,贝鲁特之行就不算完整。

9.She had a busy job, was on the social committee of her sports club and pked to go out partying at weekends.她工作很忙,又是她所在的运动俱乐部社交委员会的委员,并且还喜欢在周末参加聚会。

10.If you never seem to reach your child on the phone, he or she may have an active social pfe or may be spending too much time partying.如果你从未通过电话找到过你的孩子,那么他(她)可能有活跃的社交生活,或花大量的时间去参加聚会。