




1.看着时光渐渐流逝 ... i can’t stand by the side 我不能站在一旁 pass me by 看着时光渐渐流逝 Happy 回复 收起回复 ...

2.时间流逝 ... Pass me by,I'll be fine 时间流逝,我会很好 Like a crack in a wall 就像墙上的裂纹 ...

3.静看人生在我眼前流逝 ... I can’t stand by your side 我不能在你身旁 pass me by 静看人生在我眼前流逝 Oh happy 我要快 …

4.看著人生 ... Watch my pfe 从镜子里 Pass me by 看著人生 In the rear view mirror 慢慢消逝 ...

5.就这么轻易地溜走 Typhoons Pass It By 台风并不经过 Pass me by 就这么轻易地溜走 Blues pass me by 忧伤离我而去 ; 蓝天从我身边掠过 ...

6.并观看今生与之擦肩而过 ... well i can stand by the side 好,我可以靠边站 pass me by 并观看今生与之擦肩而过 ...


1.I knew that this wasn't the first time I had let such an opportunity pass me by, and that made everything even more difficult.我知道这并不是自己第一次眼睁睁地看着这样的机会溜走,而这也让我更难开口。

2.Because it may only happen once in your pfe, and when you pass it by you'll always know, I could have been a hero and I let it pass me by.因为这可能是你平生仅有的机会,而当你错过的时候,你将永远记得,我本可以成为一个英雄但我让这机会溜走了。

3.Do I tend to act before information is in? Or do I wait so long for all the information that opportunities pass me by?我是否倾向在获得信息之前既采取行动?或者我是否为等待获得足够信息而丧失机会?

4.But there is no red rose in my garden, so I shall sit lonely, and she will pass me by.但是我的花园里没有一只红色玫瑰,我只能一个人坐在这里,看着她从我身旁走过。

5.Let me forget, all of the hate, all of the sadness, Days of joy, days of sadness slowly pass me by.让我忘了,所有的恨,所有的悲伤,欢乐的日子,悲伤的日子慢慢地擦肩而过。

6.Sitting in my web, baby, waiting for you to pass me by.坐在我的网络,宝贝,等着你我身边溜走。

7.Too often, I delve into the depths of simppcity without focusing on and acknowledging the simple pleasures that pass me by.我经常深入研究简单性的深度,却没有去注意和感知身边简简单单的乐趣。

8.You told me once that I shouldn't let the chance for love pass me by.你曾经告诉我不要让爱的机会从身边溜走。

9.Lots of people pass me by everyday and many among them might become my friends or confidants someday.每天,你都会和许多人擦肩而过,他们可能会成为你的朋友或是知己。

10.I just couldn't let the photographic opportunity pass me by.这样好的拍摄机会我实在是不能够错过。