




1.通过考试 be angry with sb. 因某人而生气 pass the exam 通过考试 at one’s age 在某人的年龄时 ...

2.考试及格 pass on 传递 pass the exam 考试及格 pay a visit to sp. 游览、参观某地 ...

3.考试过关 pick out 挑选 pass the exam 考试过关(及格) ever since 从那时起一直到现在 ...

4.考试合格 fail the exam 考试不合格 pass the exam 考试合格 be upset 心烦的;沮丧 …


1.He forecasted that at least one of his products would pass the exam.他预测他的作品中至少有一样会通过测试。

2.No matter how hard he studies, he never seems to be able to pass the exam.不管他多么努力的学习,他似乎永远也考不及格。

3.Her father has been trying to get it through to her that she must work harder if she wants to pass the exam.她父亲一直试图让她明白,如果她想通过考试,就必须更加努力。

4.He said that he would definitely pass the exam, but he had no eat his words after faipng the exam again.他说他肯定会通过考试,但是考试又不及格后只好收回他的话。

5.He took a blow when he failed to pass the exam.他考试不及格对他是个重大的打击。

6.He said he had good Engpsh, but in fact he did not pass the exam.他说他擅长英语,但事实上,他考试不及格。

7.Hard as he tried, he did not pass the exam.他虽然很努力,但这次考试没及格。

8.Neither He nor she did not pass the exam.他和她都没有通过考试。

9.I suppose the next year 'exam is difficulty and i hope it. Of course the not mean by i can pass the exam with good marks.我猜明年的考试会难一些,我也希望是如此。当然并不意味着我这一次的考试能以高分通过。

10.The news that he had not pass the exam depressed him a lot.没有通过考试的消息让他很沮丧。