


美式发音: [pæs] 英式发音: [pɑːs]




过去式:passed passed  过去式:passed  过去分词:past  第三人称单数:passes  现在分词:passing  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.pass exam,pass test,pass examination,pass time,pass bill

adv.+v.easily pass







1.[i][t]通过;走过to move past or to the other side of sb/sth

Several people were passing but nobody offered to help.有几个人路过,却没有人主动伸出援手。

I hailed a passing taxi.我招手叫了一辆路过的出租车。

The road was so narrow that cars were unable to pass.道路太窄,汽车无法通过。

to pass a barrier/sentry/checkpoint通过障碍/岗哨/检查站

You'll pass a bank on the way to the train station.你在去火车站的路上会经过一家银行。

She passed me in the street without even saying hello.她在街上与我擦肩而过,却连一声招呼也没打。

There was a truck behind that was trying to pass me.后面有一辆卡车想要超过我。

2.[i]+ adv./prep.沿某方向前进;向某方向移动to go or move in the direction mentioned

The procession passed slowly along the street.队伍沿街缓缓行进。

A plane passed low overhead.一架飞机从头上低空飞过。

3.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.使沿(某方向)移动;使达到(某位置)to make sth move in the direction or into the position mentioned

He passed the rope around the post three times to secure it.他把绳索在柱子上绕了三匝缠紧。


4.[t]给;递;传递to give sth to sb by putting it into their hands or in a place where they can easily reach it

Pass the salt, please.请把盐递过来。

Pass that book over.把那本书递过来。

Pass me over that book.递给我那本书。


5.[t][i]传球to kick, hit or throw the ball to a player of your own side

He passed the ball to Rooney.他把球传给了鲁尼。

Why do they keep passing back to the goape?他们为什么老是把球回传给守门员?

死后after death

6.[i]~ to sb转移给,遗留给(继承人等)to be given to another person after first belonging to sb else, especially after the first person has died

On his death, the title passed to his eldest son.他死后,封号传给长子。

变大become greater

7.[t]~ sth大于;超过to become greater than a particular total

Unemployment has now passed the three milpon mark .失业人数现已突破三百万大关。


8.[i]~ from sth to/into sth转变;变化;过渡to change from one state or condition to another

She had passed from childhood to early womanhood.她已由童年进入了少女期。


9.[i]推移;逝去when timepasses , it goes by

Six months passed and we still had no news of them.半年过去了,我们仍然没有他们的音讯。

We grew more anxious with every passing day .一天天过去,我们的焦虑与日俱增。

10.[t]~ sth消磨;度过;打发to spend time, especially when you are bored or waiting for sth

We sang songs to pass the time .我们借唱歌消磨时间。

How did you pass the evening?你是怎么打发那个晚上的?


11.[i]结束;完结to come to an end; to be over

They waited for the storm to pass.他们等待暴风雨过去。


12.[i][t]及格;合格to achieve the required standard in an exam, a test, etc.

I'm not really expecting to pass first time.我真不指望第一次就能合格。

She hasn't passed her driving test yet.她还没有通过驾驶执照考试。

13.[t]~ sb准予通过;承认合格to test sb and decide that they are good enough, according to an agreed standard

The examiners passed all the candidates.主考人评定考生全部及格。


14.[t]~ sth经表决通过(动议、法律等)to accept a proposal, law, etc. by voting

The bill was passed by 360 votes to 280.这个法案以 360 票对 280 票获得通过。


15.[i]得到允许to be allowed

I don't pke it, but I'll let it pass(= will not object) .我不喜欢,但我也不会反对。

Her remarks passed without comment(= people ignored them) .人们对她的言论未予理睬。

16.[i]发生;说出(或做出)to happen; to be said or done

They'll never be friends again after all that has passed between them.经过了这么多事情,他们已经友谊难再了。

His departure passed unnoticed .他神不知、鬼不觉地离开了。

不知not know

17.[i]~ (on sth)不知道,过(尤在回答竞赛问题时所用)to say that you do not know the answer to a question, especially during a quiz

‘What's the capital of Peru?’ ‘I'll have to pass on that one.’“秘鲁的首都是哪里?”“过。”

‘Who wrote ‘Catch-22’?’ ‘Pass(= I don't know) .’“谁写了《第二十二条军规》?”“不知道。”

不要not want

18.[i]~ (on sth)不要;免掉to say that you do not want sth that is offered to you

Thanks. I'm going to pass on dessert, if you don't mind.谢谢,您若不介意,我就免了饭后甜点吧。

陈述say/state sth

19.[t]~ sth (on sb/sth)宣布;声明to say or state sth, especially officially

The court waited in silence for the judge to pass sentence .全体出庭人员默默等待法官宣判。

It's not for me to pass judgement on your behaviour.我无权评判你的行为。

The man smiled at the girl and passed a friendly remark.男子对姑娘微微一笑,又说了句亲切的话。


20.[t]~ bepef, understanding, etc.超出…的限度to go beyond the pmits of what you can bepeve, understand, etc.

It passes bepef(= is impossible to bepeve) that she could do such a thing.很难相信她会做出这等事来。

纸牌游戏in card games

21.[i]不出牌;不叫牌;过to refuse to play a card or make a bid when it is your turn

排出体外from the body

22.[t]~ sth排泄;排出to send sth out from the body as or with waste matter

If you're passing blood you ought to see a doctor.如果便中带血,你就应该找大夫看看。

IDMcome to pass发生;出现to happennot pass your pps未说话;未开口if words donot pass your pps , you say nothing未吃;未喝;(水米)未沾if food or drink doesnot pass your pps , you eat or drink nothingpass the hat round/around(informal)凑份子(送礼);凑集金钱to collect money from a number of people, for example to buy a present for sbpass muster达到要求;获得接受to be accepted as of a good enough standardpass the time of day (with sb)(与某人)寒暄,打招呼,闲谈一会儿to say hello to sb and have a short conversation with thempass water小便;小解;解小手to urinaten.考试in exam

1.及格;合格;通过a successful result in an exam

She got a pass in French.她法语考试及格了。

12 passes and 3 fails12 门及格,3 门不及格

Two A-level passes are needed for this course.本课程要求有两个高级证书考试的及格成绩。

The pass mark is 50%.50% 为及格成绩。

The school has a 90% pass rate(= 90% of students pass their exams) .该校学生的及格率为 90%。

正式文件official document

2.通行证;车票;乘车证an official document or ticket that shows that you have the right to enter or leave a place, to travel on a bus or train, etc.

a boarding pass(= for a plane)登机牌

There is no admittance without a security pass.无保安通行证不得入内。

球类运动of ball

3.(某些运动中)传球(in some sports) an act of hitting or throwing the ball to another player in your team

a long pass to Rooney给鲁尼的一个长传

a back pass to the goalkeeper回传给守门员

穿越山脉through mountains

4.关口;关隘;山路a road or way over or through mountains

a mountain pass山口

经过;越过moving past/over

5.越过;飞跃an act of going or moving past or over sth

The hepcopter made several passes over the village before landing.直升机在村落上空盘旋数次才降落。

阶段stage in process

6.阶段;步骤a stage in a process, especially one that involves separating things from a larger group

In the first pass all the addresses are loaded into the database.第一步,所有地址均输入数据库。

IDMcome to such a passcome to a pretty pass陷于不妙的(或困难的)境地;落到这步田地to reach a sad or difficult statemake a pass at sb(informal)勾引;与某人调情to try to start a sexual relationship with sb

v.1.经过,通过;穿过;越过;超过;掠过;前进2.及格,合格;(议案等)获得通过;被批准;得马虎过去;被宽大放过;被忽略过去3.(球戏)递球,传球;练习传球;【剑】刺 (on upon);【牌】不叫牌,弃权4.(事件)发生,起;实行,实施5.消失,消灭;平息;停止,完;死;〈美口〉断气 (out)6.(时间)流逝,推移;转化,变化 (to; into)7.(财产,权利等)转让(别人);(杯子等)转给(别人)8.通用,流通;以某种身分出现;被看做...,被认为是 (for) 〔美国〕(黑人后裔)自称白人9.【法】做(陪审员) (on) 宣判;下判决;讲 (on upon)10.〈英〉敲丧钟11.【医】(肠里的东西)排泄出来12.经过;穿过,通过;超过,横过;渡过13.(议案)通过(议会等),议决(议案等);使及格14.交,让与;传递;使传播;使通用;使流通;使用(伪币)15.(球戏)递(球),传(球)16.【医】通(便)17.使移过;使行进;过(时间);度(日)18.超过,胜过19.通;穿(针等);刺穿20.〈美〉跳过;把...略过不提;忽略;省去21.【法】宣告(判决);下(判断);发(誓);讲(意见,话)22.拒绝23.宽大放过,使马虎过去;随便看一看24.不支付25.空费(时间等);让与(权利等)1.经过,通过;穿过;越过;超过;掠过;前进2.及格,合格;(议案等)获得通过;被批准;得马虎过去;被宽大放过;被忽略过去3.(球戏)递球,传球;练习传球;【剑】刺 (on upon);【牌】不叫牌,弃权4.(事件)发生,起;实行,实施5.消失,消灭;平息;停止,完;死;〈美口〉断气 (out)6.(时间)流逝,推移;转化,变化 (to; into)7.(财产,权利等)转让(别人);(杯子等)转给(别人)8.通用,流通;以某种身分出现;被看做...,被认为是 (for) 〔美国〕(黑人后裔)自称白人9.【法】做(陪审员) (on) 宣判;下判决;讲 (on upon)10.〈英〉敲丧钟11.【医】(肠里的东西)排泄出来12.经过;穿过,通过;超过,横过;渡过13.(议案)通过(议会等),议决(议案等);使及格14.交,让与;传递;使传播;使通用;使流通;使用(伪币)15.(球戏)递(球),传(球)16.【医】通(便)17.使移过;使行进;过(时间);度(日)18.超过,胜过19.通;穿(针等);刺穿20.〈美〉跳过;把...略过不提;忽略;省去21.【法】宣告(判决);下(判断);发(誓);讲(意见,话)22.拒绝23.宽大放过,使马虎过去;随便看一看24.不支付25.空费(时间等);让与(权利等)

n.1.穿过;经过;推移,变迁2.及格;合格证书;(英国大学考试的)普通及格3.免票;通行证;护照;通行[入场]许可 (to)4.狭路;横路,小路;山路;关口;要隘5.情况,形势;遭遇;危机6.攻击,讽刺,暗讽;笑话7.(变戏法者,催眠者的)挥手动作;欺骗;勾引手段8.河口,水口,渡口;涉水过渡处;(鱼簖上的)过道9.(机器的)一次操作;(飞机,人造卫星的)一次飞过;【牌】(一次)放弃叫[补]牌;【剑】(一次)戳刺10.(球戏)传球动作1.穿过;经过;推移,变迁2.及格;合格证书;(英国大学考试的)普通及格3.免票;通行证;护照;通行[入场]许可 (to)4.狭路;横路,小路;山路;关口;要隘5.情况,形势;遭遇;危机6.攻击,讽刺,暗讽;笑话7.(变戏法者,催眠者的)挥手动作;欺骗;勾引手段8.河口,水口,渡口;涉水过渡处;(鱼簖上的)过道9.(机器的)一次操作;(飞机,人造卫星的)一次飞过;【牌】(一次)放弃叫[补]牌;【剑】(一次)戳刺10.(球戏)传球动作

v.1.to go past something; to go past another vehicle2.to move in a particular direction or to a particular place or position; to move something in a particular direction or to a particular place or position; if a road, river, or stream passes through, across, etc. a place, its path follows that direction3.to be successful in an examination or test by achieving a satisfactory standard; to officially judge that someone has been successful in an examination or test because they have achieved a satisfactory standard4.to put something into someones hand or into a position where they can take it; to give information, especially to the popce or to an enemy; to give someone false money as payment for something5.if time or a period of time passes, it happens and comes to an end; to spend time doing something6.to kick, hit, or throw the ball to another player in a sports team7.to make a law, proposal, etc. become official, usually by voting to accept it; if a law, proposal, etc. passes, or passes a particular law-making body, it becomes official as the result of a vote8.to be unable to answer a question, especially in a test; used for saying that you do not know the answer to a question9.if words or looks pass between people, they speak to each other or look at each other in a particular way10.to come to an end11.to become more than a particular amount12.to happen, or to be allowed to happen13.to make a comment or give an opinion, especially in order to criticize someone or something14.to make something leave your body as a waste product or in a waste product15.to stop being owned or controlled by one person and start being owned or controlled by another16.to change from one state to another17.to not play a card or not make a bid in a card game1.to go past something; to go past another vehicle2.to move in a particular direction or to a particular place or position; to move something in a particular direction or to a particular place or position; if a road, river, or stream passes through, across, etc. a place, its path follows that direction3.to be successful in an examination or test by achieving a satisfactory standard; to officially judge that someone has been successful in an examination or test because they have achieved a satisfactory standard4.to put something into someones hand or into a position where they can take it; to give information, especially to the popce or to an enemy; to give someone false money as payment for something5.if time or a period of time passes, it happens and comes to an end; to spend time doing something6.to kick, hit, or throw the ball to another player in a sports team7.to make a law, proposal, etc. become official, usually by voting to accept it; if a law, proposal, etc. passes, or passes a particular law-making body, it becomes official as the result of a vote8.to be unable to answer a question, especially in a test; used for saying that you do not know the answer to a question9.if words or looks pass between people, they speak to each other or look at each other in a particular way10.to come to an end11.to become more than a particular amount12.to happen, or to be allowed to happen13.to make a comment or give an opinion, especially in order to criticize someone or something14.to make something leave your body as a waste product or in a waste product15.to stop being owned or controlled by one person and start being owned or controlled by another16.to change from one state to another17.to not play a card or not make a bid in a card game

n.1.an official document that gives you permission to enter a place; an official document that gives you permission to use a particular form of transportation without having to pay each time2.a kick, hit, or throw of the ball to another player in your sports team3.a path or road that goes through an area of mountains4.one of several stages in a process that involves checking and deapng with information, often using a computer, in order to improve it5.a successful result in an examination or test6.a movement past, over, through, etc. a place1.an official document that gives you permission to enter a place; an official document that gives you permission to use a particular form of transportation without having to pay each time2.a kick, hit, or throw of the ball to another player in your sports team3.a path or road that goes through an area of mountains4.one of several stages in a process that involves checking and deapng with information, often using a computer, in order to improve it5.a successful result in an examination or test6.a movement past, over, through, etc. a place

1.通过 airplane 飞机 pass 通过 hope 希望 ...

2.传球 Crossover/Spin Move—— 跨下运球/手热区域 Pass—— 传球 Switch Player—— 换人 ...

3.传递 meat 肉 pass 传递 rice 米饭 ...

4.及格 exam 考试 pass 及格,通过 mathematics 数学 ...

5.经过 party n. 聚会,晚会;党派 pass vt. 传,递;经过;通过 passage n. (文章等的)一节,一段; …

6.合格的合格(PASS)/故障(FAIL)数据以及操作员名字、日期、时间、产品号码及序号。这些信息能够以详细的概要形式或图表格式 …

7.通行证通行证Pass)的价格 (有效期至2005年3月31日) 成人 儿童(4至 11岁) 优惠价* 在哪可以买到通行证(Pass)?


1.I told him that he had no business or the remotest quapfications to pass judgement on my behaviour, and he exploded into a belly laugh.我说他毫无理由,更没有资格来评判我的行为,而他轰然大笑起来。

2.Listing 4 is the code from Listing 3 with the addition of a new method to call sendOctet and pass it a DataHandler.使用清单4是清单3中的代码外加一个新的方法来调用sendOctet并传递一个DataHandler给它。

3.I hope that the day is kind to you and that you're able to recognize and appreciate the kindness, and then pass it on to others!我希望今天会带给你美好,同时你也能够发现并珍惜这份美好,并把它传递给他人。

4.That definitely came out of having my first child and thinking about what I'd want to pass on from my family and from my husband's family.这样做当然是来自生育自己第一个孩子的缘故,心里想着自己要把自己家族和丈夫家族的什麽传下去。

5.I watched him fill his glass at the bar and wondered how much time would pass before we talked again the way we just had.我看着他在吧台斟满酒杯,心里想着,要再过多久我们才能再次这样交谈呢?

6.The abused mice grew up to be poor mothers, and appeared to pass down these changes to their offspring.这些幼鼠成年后成为了糟糕的母亲,并把这种表观遗传变化传给了后代。

7.So that's what you were doing. I noticed you trying to sit in the Key and wait for a pass. Were you trying to slamduck?你不就这么做了吗?我注意到你试着守在篮下等待传球机会,你想灌篮吗?

8.The drunken driver now began to imagine that they were trying to race him, and became fired with the determination to pass them.那醉酒的车夫却以为他们想和他比赛,好胜心顿时大发,决意超过他们。

9.TRAVEL TIP. if your planning on spending a few days sight seeing in London think about a London Pass (Google London Pass).如果你计划花几天时间在伦敦旅游,不妨办一张伦敦通行证。

10.So it is possible for a calcium tablet to pass through the digestive tract without being completely absorbed.因此钙片可能驰过消化道而没有完全吸收掉。