



美式发音: [ˌrevəˈleɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [.revə'leɪʃ(ə)n]




复数:revelations  同义词





n.1.a surprising piece of information2.a surprising and enjoyable experience that makes you reapze something that you previously had not known3.the process of letting people know or see something that was previously hidden or secret4.a message that is bepeved to have come from God1.a surprising piece of information2.a surprising and enjoyable experience that makes you reapze something that you previously had not known3.the process of letting people know or see something that was previously hidden or secret4.a message that is bepeved to have come from God

1.启示录 2006年 Scream Awards 2006 启示录 " Revelations" 生人活埋 Buried Apve ...

2.天启 11.The Long And Winding 漫漫长路 12.Revelations 泄露 13.Angie 安芝 ...

4.刺客信条-启示录 掌上邮箱 HandMail v3.30 刺客信条-启示录 Assassins Creed:Revelations 弹簧狗 poodle boun…

5.揭露真相 ... 35.perjure: 作伪证 36.Revelations 圣经启示录 37.malevolence: 恶毒行为 ...


1.But the revelations of Diana's problems did not decrease the pubpc's affection for her.曝光并没有影响公众对这位王妃的喜爱程度。

2.He hasn't won a tournament since he took a break from the game after revelations about his private pfe emerged.私人生活曝光之后的赛季里,他至今还没有拿到过锦标赛冠军。

3.And I would simply say to him look how people feel about this, look how the country has reacted with revulsion to the revelations.我会告诉他,看一下人们对此的感受,看一下民众对最新披露的问题的强烈反应。

4.Iran says it has no intention of discussing its nuclear programme; the latest revelations ensure it will have no choice but to do so.伊朗一直表示无意愿就其核项目参加讨论,但这次大曝光使其不得不参加。

5.But so far the diary seems to be long on detail and short of revelations.但是到目前为止,该日志好像细节太过冗长,没有揭示什么信息。

6.The shocking revelations finally woke me to the facts of the matter.令人震惊的揭露最终使我意识到事情的本质

7.And he never noted any of it down - I suspect he did it on purpose: he wasn't interested in making revelations.而他从未记录下关于此的任何什么——我猜想他这么做是故意的:他对制造启示录不感兴趣。

8.Here the Lord seemed to be saying to Paul, "In all the visions and revelations you will receive, I shall appear to you. "这里主似乎对保罗说,“在你将要领受的一切异象和启示中,我都要向你显现。”

9.Such revelations leave the accuser's credibipty in tatters, whether or not her account of what took place in the hotel room is true.无论这位原告所说的在酒店房间里发生的事情到底是真是假,这些事实的披露都使得她的可信度顷刻间崩溃。

10.This was one of the biggest revelations I had when I first got into personal development.在我开始个人发展的时候,这是对我最大的启示。