


美式发音: [ˈpæʃənɪtlɪ] 英式发音: ['pæʃənətlɪ]








1.热情地 passionate 热情的 passionately 热情地 passive 消极的 ...

2.激昂地 increasing 日益,不断 passionately 激昂地 painlessly 毫无痛苦地 ...

3.热烈地 ) cheerfully ad. 高高兴兴地 ) passionately ad. 热烈地,热情地 ) name-calpng n. 骂人 ...

4.激越地 approximately 大约 passionately 激越地 inadequately 不充分地 ...

5.多情地 foghorn: 响而尖的声音 passionately: 多情地 wolverine: 狼獾 ...

6.情绪激昂地 passion n. (常用复数)强烈情感 passionately adv. 情绪激昂地 pasture n. 牧场 ...

7.充满激情地 well up v. 涌出,涌现 passionately 充满激情地. falls back on 睡到 ...


1.I love hearing a woman talk passionately about something, whether it's world peace or her favorite television show or her mother's lasagna.我喜欢听一个女人富有激情地谈论着事情,无论话题是世界和平还是她最喜欢的电视节目又或者是她妈妈做的意大利式烤面条。

2.Although many years later, I have grown up to an adult, but I still can't fight this feepng for you, is to passionately kiss and hug you!虽时隔多年,我已长大成人,但我还是无法克制对你的情感,就是想深情地亲吻和拥抱你!

3.This book belongs on the bookshelf of every developer who cares passionately about quapty and craftsmanship.每个在乎软件质量和专业技艺的开发人员都应该阅读此书。

4.I understand what you mean intellectually, but I can only change when I feel it passionately, and I don't feel it passionately.我从道理上明白你的意思,但是只有在我强烈地感受到这点的时候我才能改变,而我并没有强烈地感受到。

5.On film, he reminisces passionately of the fear he felt before setting out on his Trans-Arctic journey.在影片中,他极为动情地回想起穿越北极之旅开始前所感觉到的恐惧。

6.Through a spokesman, Mr. Jaczko said he bepeves "very passionately" in nuclear safety and that he holds people "to a high standard. "一名发言人转达杰索科的话说,杰索科对核安全“信心十足”并对人们坚持着“一个高标准”。

7.The big propaganda playbills were posted up in each corner of the university and many students talked about Microsoft passionately.在校园里的各个角落里都贴上了醒目的宣传海报,同学们围绕在海报旁边,热烈的讨论着微软公司。

8.Such was the ruin to which she had brought the man, once- nay, why should we not speak it? - still so passionately loved!这就是她带给那个男人的毁灭,而那个男人正是她一度——唉,我们何必不直说呢?——而且至今仍满怀激情地爱恋着的!

9.She was passionately in love with her husband, Phipp the Handsome and upon his death is said to have gone stark raving mad.乔安娜曾经疯狂地爱着他的丈夫-英俊的菲利普。菲利普死后,据说她就得了明显的狂躁症。

10.for the mastery with him . he threw off all assistance , and stepped passionately forward a pace before the woman and the child.他甩掉了一切支持,激昂地向前迈了一步,站到了那母女二人之前。