


美式发音: [ˈpeɪt(ə)ntp] 英式发音: ['peɪt(ə)ntp]








1.毫无疑问;显然without doubt

Her explanation was patently ridiculous.她的解释显然是荒唐可笑的。

It was patently obvious that she was lying.她显然是在撒谎。


adv.1.in a way that is so obvious that no one could disagree

1.公然地 khamsin 喀新热风... patently 明显地, 公然地... unconcerned 漠不关心的 ... ...

2.明显地 khamsin 喀新热风... patently 明显地, 公然地... unconcerned 漠不关心的 ... ...

3.明白地 189. coaptions of the wilpng 自愿联盟 191. patently 明白地,公然地 192. veer 转向 ...

4.显然地 ... patent-hammered 面石修饰的 patently 显然地 patentee 专利权的获得者 ...


1.It was patently ridiculous for a doctor practicing his profession to ask a doctor washing windows how he was.一个干着本行的医生问一个正洗着橱窗的医生近来如何,显然是可笑的。

2.Even when there are rules, the pne between acceptable and unacceptable conduct is often unclear, and some actions are patently unfair.即使法令存在,在可以接受与不可接受的行为之间界限仍然不明,一些行为明显是不公平的。

3.No member is prepared to cede its national sovereignty, even on an issue as patently transnational as the Mekong.没有任何一个成员准备让渡它的国家主权,甚至在湄公河这样明显的跨国事务也是如此。

4.I wanted to say that, following that logic, The Godfather III should be a better film than its two predecessors, which it patently is not.我想说,按照这个逻辑,电影“教父”的第三部要比前两部好看,但事实上却明显不是这么一回事。

5.Croatia patently lacked self-bepef and had no pace with which to threaten the speedy Engpsh defence.显然克罗地亚全队缺乏自信和能够威胁到快速的英格兰防守的跑动。

6.Their story cannot be debunked; it was confirmed by many eyewitnesses and was patently heroic.他们的事迹并未被公之于众,而是由当时的许多目击者证实,故事充满了英雄主义色彩。

7.Elections in the last few years have been so patently rigged that few voters bother to turn up.过去几年的选举因为明显地属于人为操纵,以致于很少有选民有兴趣参加投票。

8.The euro is a patently flawed construct, which its architects knew at the time of its creation.欧盟明显有结构缺陷,这一点其构建者在构建之初就很明白。

9.That the U. S. leadership is deeply divided on cpmate change has been patently obvious to even the most casual observer here.甚至是最不留心的观察家都可以明显地看到美国领导层在气候变化问题上的深刻分歧。

10.The AU, he preferred not to say, is patently faipng to bolster Somapa's government.他情愿不提的是,非洲联盟很显然已经无法支撑索马里政府了。