


美式发音: [paɪr] 英式发音: [paɪə(r)]



复数:pyres  同义词




1.(火葬用的)柴堆a large pile of wood on which a dead body is placed and burned in a funeral ceremony


n.1.a high pile of wood for burning a dead body in a funeral ceremony

1.火葬柴堆 pulverize 把—弄粉碎 pyre 火葬柴堆 quarantine 隔离检查 (被隔离 40 天) ...

2.火葬用的柴堆 pylon 高压电线架;桥塔 pyre 火葬用的柴堆 quack 冒充内行之人;庸医 ...

3.火堆 魔法树林 Magic Forest 火堆 Pyre 长屋 Longhouse ...

4.燃烧弹 putrify 腐烂 pyre 火葬的柴堆 quaint 古怪的 ...

6.火葬柴唆 pulverize 把-弄粉碎 pyre 火葬柴唆 quarantine 隔离检查(被隔离40 天) ...


1.The sixty-five-year, old woman, Kuttu Bai, sat on the funeral pyre with the head of her dead husband on her lap.进行撒提的65岁妇女库土·白坐在火化的柴堆上,她死去的丈夫的头放在她的膝盖前。

2.Thus it was that he burned himself on Jiang-qing's funeral pyre, and sent himself with her wherever it was she was going.这样他就在Jiang-qing的火葬堆上也焚烧了自己,送自己跟随她去任何她将去的地方。

3.The ashes of its funeral pyre shall be transmuted into swans, which will swim away upon dry land as though in water.火葬的骨灰会变成天鹅,在旱地上会像水里一样地游泳。

4.To solve this, the crew reflected a real fire onto a pane of glass in front of the camera so that it looks as though the pyre is burning.为了解决这个问题,工作人员利用摄像机前的窗玻璃反射真实火焰,这样拍摄出来的效果看上去就像木柴真的着火了一样。

5.Then he built a funeral pyre, covered it with wildflowers, and burned the body of his respected teacher.然后他搭了一个火葬柴堆,覆上鲜花,火化了他尊敬的老师的尸首。

6.At midnight he was the last to come to the pyre, carrying a sleepy Qing-jay in his arms.午夜时他是最后来到火葬的木堆前的,怀里抱着困倦欲睡的小清照。

7.He built a funeral pyre to commemorate the Jedi, and to destroy the Dark Lord's empty armor.他在那里举行了一次火葬,来纪念这位绝地,烧掉这位黑暗尊主的空盔甲。

8.In the scene when Denethor burns Faramir on the pyre, the pyre could not truly be on fire because Gandalf's horse would not go near it.迪耐瑟想点燃柴堆火葬儿子法拉默,但实际上那些木柴并没有着火,如果真着火的话甘道夫的马就不会靠近它了。

9.Now the cremation is beginning, with special pujas being performed directly in front of the pyre and also in the four directions, as well.现在这是火藏仪式的开始,四位大德在塔周准备所需的燃具。

10.When fire starts consuming her body, dance as much as you can around her funeral pyre.当火开始燃烧她的身体的时候,在她的葬礼周围尽你的可能舞动。