




1.病理 patello- 膝,髌(骨) patho- 病理 pedi- 足 ...

2.夸张表演 party 党, patho 不好的感觉, path 不好的感觉, ...

4.疾病 ... parenthesis-par- paragraph 表示一段文字- pathogen-patho- 疾病- pathology-patho- 疾病- ...


1.Conclusion: patho- tumor will change with the increase or induction of the syndrome score of blood stasis.结论:病理性肿块随血瘀证症状积分的增减而消长变化。

2.Conclusion The different methods might be used according to their different causes and patho-Anatomy.结论:在睑袋整复术中应根据其不同的成因、局部病理变化而采用不同术式。

3.Objective To investigate the patho- histomorphology feature of pulmonary - blastomce.目的研究肺母细胞瘤的病理组织学特征。

4.It is therefore an important immunutrient that requires adequate supplementation under patho. . .因此,精氨酸是在病理状态下需要补充的重要免疫营养素。

5.Patho- info such as symptoms, which is integrated, comprehended, real and objective, develops appropriate syndrome differentiation.症状等病理信息的完整、全面、真实、客观,是准确辨证的基础。

6.The Dynamic Observation about the Patho-Tumor and Blood Stasis Syndrome of a Pair of Monozygotic Twins一对单卵双生子病理性肿块与血瘀证的动态变化观察

7.The patho-experimental study of general chemical ablation agents常用化学消融剂的病理学实验研究

8.The pathological changes and patho-physiological course of cerebral ischemia脑出血的病理改变及病理生理过程

9.Patho-Feature and Diagnosis of Idiopathic Interstitial Pneumonia特发性间质性肺炎的病理特征与诊断