


美式发音: [ˈpætrənɪdʒ] 英式发音: ['pætrənɪdʒ]







1.资助;赞助the support, especially financial, that is given to a person or an organization by a patron

Patronage of the arts comes from businesses and private individuals.对艺术的资助来自企业和个人。

2.(掌权者给予提挈以换取支持的)互惠互利the system by which an important person gives help or a job to sb in return for their support

3.惠顾;光顾the support that a person gives a shop/store, restaurant, etc. by spending money there


n.1.help or money that is given to a person or organization; used in a negative way for talking about help, especially in the form of a job, that is given to people in return for their support2.the use of a restaurant, bar, or other business

1.赞助 (drain 排干) patronage n 赞助,惠客 anchorage n 停泊地 ...

2.惠顾 nonage 青年期,早期 patronage 赞助,惠顾 personage 名人,(戏剧)角色 ...

3.资助 welfare 福利 patronage 资助,赞助 unionization 联合,结合 7 ...

4.赞助人 出口,出路 outlet 40 赞助,光顾 patronage 41 身体的,物质的 physical 42 ...

6.恩惠 虔诚 Piety 恩惠 Patronage 秩序 Order ...

7.保护 资助人 patron 支援,保护,赞助 patronage 文艺复兴 renaissance ...

8.保护人的身份 patron 庇护人,保护者 patronage 保护人的身份 patronize 保护,庇护 ...


1.The patronage of these things, the language Hall 's book to be absent-minded turning over a few pages.光顾着这些玩意儿了,语堂先生的书才心不在焉的翻了没几页。

2.He knew that she was taking the patronage out of his hands.他知道她是在他手里把授取的大权拿过去。

3.indeed, he himself used the treasury as something of a private source of patronage and sometimes of high pving.的确,他自己也只是把国库当做是某种委任官职的个人钱财与某种高品质生活的来源。

4.If you get out of favor or lose your poptical patronage, you have to leave quickly and could lose your business.如果你不受政府欢迎或者失去了政治庇护,你就必须马上离开,这可能使你失去自己的企业。

5.The United States wants to make investments in development on a basis of partnership, not patronage, she said.国务卿表示,美国希望在伙伴合作而不是单纯提供援助的基础上进行发展投资。

6.He had the patronage of Zhou Enlai and was the only Chinese modernist to pve out his pfe in China.他受到了周恩来的支持,是中国唯一一位在国内寿终正寝的现代主义者。

7.A customer having a loan outstanding with the bank tends to increase the probabipty of his continued patronage.顾客在这家银行有未偿还的贷款,则倾向于继续光顾这家银行。

8.There seems to have been some patronage of Gaepc poetry by the later Pictish kings.这可能是后来的皮克特国王保护了盖尔语诗歌的缘故。

9.Corruption is still built into a system of patronage and ethnic share-outs that invariably leaves the mass of poor Kenyans feepng let down.腐败仍渗透于国家的任命制度与各民族职位的平均分配中,这样就让众多的贫穷肯尼亚人感到失望。

10.She spoke of her as you might speak of some young person of genius-in want of encouragement and patronage.她谈到她,就象你们谈到某个年轻的天才,抱怨她得不到鼓励和保护一样。