




1.贝宝像贝宝PayPal)这样的在线支付服务 信用卡支付仍是最普遍的网上支付方式,以下列举了一些确保安全交易的建议。

2.贝宝公司贝宝公司PayPal)联合创始人;Spde 公司创始人;谷歌公司工程副总裁32 埃里克·布雷弗曼(Eric Braverman), 35 岁 麦肯 …

3.信用卡用信用卡Paypal)支付,费用是25美刀台服没有开放theone543 |五级采纳率34% 擅长:足球手机/通讯魔兽世界电脑装机/选 …

4.支付宝支付宝PayPal)与以一位开设假账户,并以电子邮件的形式奚落公司安全团队的俄罗斯盗贼兼黑客Igor命名的电脑系统相伴而 …

5.付款付款方式 : 可银行入数/网上付款(Paypal)或门市到取付款。请先设定登入电邮,密码,联络资料。

6.信用卡付款付款:电汇或网上信用卡付款(paypal)。 按此进入网上信用卡付款 注意事项: 一. 要详述病情、发病时间、不适症状、年龄、 …

7.在线支付境外在线支付PayPal): 国际在线支付 账号:314751462@qq网址被屏蔽 (刘东磊) 公司账户 户名 开户地 4407 0810 0400 0167…


1.Also, PayPal had originally offered a small amount of money posted to the account of your friends who signed up for the service.同样,原先PayPal在你邀请朋友注册帐户的时候也会在你朋友的帐户中存入一笔小钱。

2.He took the site through its early-stage growth, drawing on his previous experience as an executive at PayPal.利用之前供职在线支付网站PayPal获得的经验,他带领网站实现了早期的增长。

3.There doesn't seem to be any integration with a shopping checkout or PayPal service of any kind.这似乎并没有与购物收银台或者任何形式的贝宝服务联系在一起。

4.The fact that PayPal sued Google just hours after they announced the Google Wallet shows you just how much is at stake here.“宣布谷歌钱包数小时后,贝宝(Paypal)就起诉谷歌,这事实说明这儿的风险是多么大”。

5.Credit card details sold for just a few dollars while a PayPal account could cost up to $500.信用卡详细信息的售价仅为几美元,而一个贝宝(PayPal)账户可以卖到500美元。

6.When I was still with PayPal, I used to say that it was more a risk management company than a payment company.我在PayPal工作期间曾经说过,与其说PayPal是一家支付公司,不如说它是一家风险管理公司。

7.While people sending money don't need PayPal accounts, people receiving moola do -- or, at least, they must be wilpng to create one.转出方不必拥有贝宝账户,收款方才要---或者,至少,他们愿意开一个贝宝账户。

8.And with this in mind, he said PayPal intends to allow purchases in small increments.然而,就这个想法,他说贝宝打算允许在进货上有一个小幅度的增长。

9.Fourteen of them were suspected of an onpne attack on PayPal, claimed by hacking group Anonymous, said the FBI.联办调查局称,自称为黑客小组“匿名”中有14个人涉嫌对在线支付宝进行攻击。

10.PayPal and many banks do this, but a startpng number of sites that people trust to safeguard their privacy do not.贝宝(PayPal)和许多银行都采用了这些协议,但在那些受到客户信任保护他们隐私的网站中没有采用安全协议的占有惊人的数量。