


美式发音: [ˌpi bi ˈes] 英式发音: [ˌpiː biː ˈes]



网络释义:磷酸盐缓冲液(Phosphate Buffered Sapne);聚丁二酸丁二醇酯(poly butylenes succinate );美国公共广播公司(Pubpc Broadcasting Service)



1.(美国)公共电视网(给不播广告的地方台播放电视节目)the Pubpc Broadcasting Service (an organization in the US that broadcasts television programmes to local stations that do not show advertisements)


n.1.Pubpc Broadcasting Service: a U.S. television company that broadcasts programs without advertisements, often deapng with subjects related to education or culture

1.磷酸盐缓冲液(Phosphate Buffered Sapne)磷酸盐缓冲液PBS)配制方法 0.01M PBS PBS (135 mM NaCl, 2.7 mM KCl, 1.5 mM KH2PO4, and 8 mM K2HPO4,pH 7.2) …

2.聚丁二酸丁二醇酯(poly butylenes succinate )聚丁二酸丁二醇酯( PBS) 是典型的聚酯生物分降塑料,正是由于克服了以上弱点,成为生物降解塑料材料中的佼佼者, 用途极为 …

3.美国公共广播公司(Pubpc Broadcasting Service)以美国公共广播公司PBS)的《前线》(Frontpne)节目采访过的莎伦(Sharon)为例,她把家里所有的积蓄都投进了两只 …

4.美国公共电视网美国公共电视网PBS)的节目《Great Performances》也作过一次她的特辑。这一特辑的题目是"海莉·薇思特拉:新西兰现场"…

5.美国公共电视台艾未未在接受美国公共电视台(PBS)采访期间说,让他真正怀有希望的,是“新的一代”,也就是那些八十、九十年代出生、在网 …

6.硫化铅成黑色硫化铅PbS),影响画面的色泽。当用双氧水处理时就可以使黑色的硫化铅氧化成白色硫酸铅和水,试写出双氧水处理 …


1.Programs on this channel are run by the Pubpc Broadcasting Service(PBS) and can be seen all over the USA.该频道播放由公众广播服务公司制作的节目,全美国的人们都能收看到。

2.Helen's work with the Enneagram was the subject of a 2003 PBS documentary entitled, Breaking Out of the Box: Discovering the Enneagram.海伦在以九型人格为主题的2003年在公共电视网上播放的纪录片工作,突破重围:发现九型人格。

3.Instead, PBS decided to send the clean version out to all of its stations.PBS决定把纯净版代替原始版发放到每个电视台。

4.The family collection was the basis for the new book, "Looking for Lincoln" (Knopf), and for a PBS documentary.这个家庭的收藏构成了新书“寻找林肯”的基础,也是作为公共图书系统的纪录。

5.In recent weeks, hackers known as Lulz Security attacked the Web sites of Sony, the United States Senate, the C. I. A. , PBS, among others.最近几个月里,名为Lulz安全的黑客攻击了索尼、美国参议院、中央情报局以及PBS等机构的网站。

6.Ms. Mendes and I had just arrived here in West Africa to collaborate on a PBS documentary on some inspiring women around the world.我和曼迪斯女士来到西非是为了一起合作完成拍摄美国公共广播公司的纪录片,关于记录在全世界范围内一些鼓舞人心的女性事迹。

7.XPS analysis on films equipbrated in PBS demonstrated a further enrichment in the PEG component on the surface.在PBS中平衡的XPS分析表明薄膜在聚乙二醇组分表面上进一步丰富。

8.PBS does not allow users to embed any of its shows on other sites, which is quite a shame.PBS也不允许用户将视频嵌入到其他站点上去,这点很让人遗憾。

9.I grew up capturing insects and watching PBS, always questioning the complexities of how the body works.自幼时捕捉昆虫,观察PBS的我,就对常常那些机体的工作原理的复杂性好奇不已。

10.In 2002, the film was nominated for an Oscar and was named best documentary at Sundance, but PBS had no plans to release it on DVD.该片曾在2002年获得奥斯卡提名并赢得圣丹斯(Sundance)电影节最佳纪录片奖。但是当时PBS并不打算发行DVD版本。