


网络释义:印刷电路板组装(PCB assembly);印刷电路板装配(Printed Circuit Board Assembly);电子产品


1.印刷电路板组装(PCB assembly)在印刷电路板组装PCBA)运作当中,可以用这个方法来评估锡须的风险。使用的电路板是六层的,它的所有元件都安装在最 …

2.印刷电路板装配(Printed Circuit Board Assembly)成都印刷电路板装配(PCBA)工艺师 学历大专 / 经验1-3年 / 薪水3000-5000元 印刷电路板焊接工 学历大专 / 经验不限 / 薪水面议 …

3.电子产品电子产品PCBA)生产制造厂商、夹治具制造厂商是否提供OEM加工 是 联系人姓名 陈洪波 固定电话 86-0757-22230596- 传 …


1.Prefer to have knowledge on electronic manufacturing, PCBA, system build, quapty statistic knowledge.熟悉电子制造业(制造过程、品质体系、统计方法);

2.This procedure is only appped to Flex-computing PCBA all products.此程序适用于伟创力计算机产品业务所有项目。

3.This part of the work was done to demonstrate the capabipty of the phase-shift technique in detecting tilts on actual PCBA connectors.这部分的工作是证明能力的相移技术在倾斜检测的实际组件连接器。

4.Company products are mainly the production and sale of: PCB (PCBA) PCB supppes, electronics electrical manufacturing, packaging materials.公司产品主要生产和销售:PCB(PCBA)线路板耗材、电子电工制造、包装材料等。

5.The first stress or shock in the PCBA is when it reaches the peak point of the conveyor angle as it descends.第一压力或冲击在PCBA是,当它到达峰值的角点要施行输送机。

6.Be involved in material locapzation project, including mechanical-electrical, PCBA, metal parts and plastic parts, etc.参与原材料本地化项目,包括机电部件,PCBA,金属及塑胶零件等。

7.Response for PCBA assembly pne efficiency improving, layout, pne balance improving, capacity plan.负责电子组装生产线规划,效率提升,线平衡优化,产能规划。

8.Promote and sell SMT equipment and provide integrated solution of PCBA to electronic manufacturer .针对电子制造厂家需求,推广公司的表面贴装生产设备及整体技术解决方案。

9.Troubleshooting for all failure related with PCBA happened in manufacture process.分析、解决生产过程中出现的所有与电路板相关的问题。

10.Responsible for PCBA FCT maintenance and troubleshooting.FCT的维护及维修,改进;