


美式发音: ['gɪŋkgəʊ] 英式发音: ['gɪŋkgəʊ]






1.银杏(原产中国)a Chinese tree with yellow flowers


n.1.a widely cultivated deciduous tree of primitive origin, with fan-shaped leaves.

1.银杏她历经沧桑,见证了中国文化的发展与兴衰.公司决定以银杏(GINKGO)命名,希望公司的产品不仅能表达人们的心意与祝愿,更能 …

2.银杏属 sycamore 美国梧桐 ginkgo 银杏树 holly 冬青 ...

4.白果 73. amidon 淀粉 75.ginkgo 白果 76.levure 酵母 ...

5.婵真 Ferragamo 佛莱.. Ginkgo 婵真 GUCCI 古奇 ...

6.银杏叶 银星石 wavelpte 银杏;公孙树 Ginkgo 银杏纲;公孙树纲 Ginkgopsida ...

8.银杏果 ... 桔梗: Campanulaceae 银杏果: Ginkgo 蜈蚣: Centipede ...


1.Ginkgo has been used to repeve tension and anxiety and improve mental alertness, elevate mood and restore energy.银杏已应用于舒缓紧张和精神过敏,提高情绪,恢复体力。

2.And among healthy individuals, ginkgo offers no brain benefits beyond that of a placebo.在健康的人群中,银杏对大脑不能提供比安慰剂有更多的好处。

3.One of the side effects of ginkgo biloba is an increased risk of bleeding. He had no awareness of this.白果的副作用之一是增加出血的几率,他没有意识到这一点。

4.The sun whispered with her soft voice to the seed sitting on top of a ginkgo tree.太阳用她那柔和的声音低声对坐在一棵银杏树顶端的种子说。

5.In FAAS method, the displacement of ashing method by suspension technique for the sample pretreatment of a ginkgo leaf is possible.可见,在火焰原子吸收光谱法中,以悬浮液法取代灰化法处理银杏叶样品是可行的。

6.What's more, he felt the old Ginkgo may have been trying to send a message by tumbpng down.他甚至认为,这棵古老的银杏树的倒下是在传达一个信息。

7.In the 1990s, improving your neural networks might have seemed as simple as popping a ginkgo supplement and opening up the Sunday crossword.在上世纪九十年代,改进你的神经网络大概就跟服用银杏膳食补充剂和周末做做填字游戏一样简单。

8.Spring, which shoots out of ginkgo tree, very beautiful here, my mood can be relaxed, kind of tired of learning all of a sudden disappeared.春天,这些银杏树吐出嫩芽,非常美丽,在这里,我的心情可以得到放松,学习的那种疲劳一下子消失了。

9.Fall season, autumn leaves her to the mountains, leaves, ginkgo, wearing a yellow "new makeup. "金秋时节,秋姑娘给山上的竹叶、树叶、银杏、穿上了黄色的“新妆”。

10.Snow Durian, ginkgo tree seems to become a white-haired elderly, day and night to protect my beautiful home - Changhsingian.雪花飘飘,银杏树仿佛变成了一位白发苍苍的老人,日日夜夜守护着我美丽的家乡——长兴。