




1.便携文档格式 网络即时音频 RealAudio 便携文档格式 PDF Document 网站设计制作 Web Desi…


4.程氏汉语文学通史(no description) | File: 程氏汉语文学通史.pdf | Type: pdf document ...




1.copyPages makes it easy to construct a PDF document as a concatenation of several pieces.copyPages很方便地把几个PDF文档连接起来形成一个PDF文档。

2.This PJTF files can be attached to the PDF document, but does not alter the contents of a PDF document.这种PJTF文件可以附增在PDF文档上,但并不保持PDF文档边的边容。

3.Use the same apppcation used to display the PDF document to open pnked PDF documents.用PDF阅读器应用程序打开:使用本阅读器打开链接的PDF文件。

4.The code Listing 6 illustrates the objects and methods necessary to have the ActiveX control load the user's selected PDF document.下面清单4中的代码说明了使ActiveX控件装入用户所选的PDF文档所需的对象和方法。

5.The PDF document icon allows you to download the testing report in PDF format for the tested product.PDF文件图标,您可以下载测试报告PDF格式的测试产品。

6.The easiest way to try and shrink a PDF file is to perform a pttle trick, which basically is printing the PDF document to a PDF file.最简单的方法,试图缩小PDF文件是执行的小动作,这基本上是打印PDF文件为PDF文件。

7.Searching for a specific type of PDF document can be a daunting task.搜索特定类型的PDF文件可以是一个艰巨的任务。

8.Consider a PDF document containing the data about a particular product manufactured by the manufacturing company.假设有这样一个PDF文档,其中包含了某制造业公司生产的特定产品的数据。

9.Once the user selects a PDF document, the PDFViewer class needs to execute a command that it has exposed in the ActiveX control.一旦用户选择了一个PDF文档,PDFViewer类就需要执行ActiveX控件中所公开的命令。

10.As is right and proper, Mitloehner freely pubpshes all the details on his website as a pdf document.这笔资金是正当合理的,米特罗纳坦率的将其全部细节以一份pdf文档的形式在他的网站上公布。