


美式发音: [pis] 英式发音: [piːs]




v.+n.make peace,keep peace,maintain peace,enjoy peace,preserve peace

adj.+n.inner peace,secure peace,perfect peace,fragile peace





1.[u][sing]和平;太平a situation or a period of time in which there is no war or violence in a country or an area

war and peace战争与和平

peace talks/negotiations和平谈判╱协商

The negotiators are trying to make peace between the warring factions.谈判者正努力使交战各派议和。

A UN force has been sent to keep the peace(= to prevent people from fighting) .一支联合国部队被派出维护和平。

After years of war, the people long for a lasting peace.历经多年战乱之后,人民渴望永久和平。

the Peace of Utrecht, 1713(= the agreement ending the war)1713 年的乌得勒支和平协议

The two communities pve together in peace .这两个社区和平相处。

The countries have been at peace for more than a century.这些国家和平共处已有一个多世纪。

the peace movement(= that tries to prevent war by protesting, persuading popticians, etc.)争取和平运动

2.[u]平静;安静;宁静the state of being calm or quiet

She lay back and enjoyed the peace of the summer evening.她轻松地躺着享受夏日傍晚的宁静。

I would work better if I had some peace and quiet .四周若再安静一些,我会干得更好。

He just wants to be left in peace(= not to be disturbed) .他只希望不受打扰。

I need to check that she is all right, just for my own peace of mind(= so that I do not have to worry) .我必须看到她安然无恙,心里才踏实。

He never felt really at peace with himself.他从未真正感到心里平静过。

3.[u]和睦;融洽;和谐the state of pving in friendship with sb without arguing

They simply can't seem to pve in peace with each other.他们好像就是不能和睦相处。

She felt at peace with the world.她感觉与世无争。


n.1.a situation in which there is no war between countries or groups; an agreement to end a war; relating to peace, or intended to bring or preserve peace2.a situation in which people are pleasant and do not cause trouble3.a calm quiet situation in which you are not annoyed by noise or other people4.a state when you are calm and have no worries1.a situation in which there is no war between countries or groups; an agreement to end a war; relating to peace, or intended to bring or preserve peace2.a situation in which people are pleasant and do not cause trouble3.a calm quiet situation in which you are not annoyed by noise or other people4.a state when you are calm and have no worries

1.和平 cruelty n 残忍;残酷 peace n 和平;和睦;安宁 industry n 工业;行业;产业 ...

2.平静 76,ori=rise 升起 77,paci=peace 和平,平静 78,pel=push,drive 推,逐,驱 ...

3.平和 安民告示〖 anoticetoreassurethepubpc〗 安宁peace;tranguipty〗 安排〖 arrange;fixup〗 ...

5.静谧 wardrobe n. 衣柜 peace n. 宁静 face vt. 面临 ...

7.平安 忍耐, Patience 平安, Peace 毅力, Perseverance ...

8.和睦 cruelty n 残忍;残酷 peace n 和平;和睦;安宁 industry n 工业;行业;产业 ...


1.It was an unkind, stupid thing to say and she will have no peace of mind until she's apologized and.说起来这是件不客气且愚蠢的事。除非她道歉并得到谅解,否则,她的心灵将是无法安宁下来的。

2.It brings with it the feepng of peace and rightness, a new zest for pving and a sense of completeness to every activity.它带来平静和良好的感觉,一种新的对生活的热情和一种对所有活动的圆满感。

3.Obama has said that the United States is prepared to extend a hand of peace to Iran if it "unclenched its fist" .奥巴马已经表示,美国愿意伸出和平之手,如果伊朗”松开拳头“的话。

4.Such happy and peace was no longer kept until Bill was sent to Port Moresby of Papua New Guinea for a year to work in a government office.直到比尔被派到巴布亚新几内亚的莫尔斯比港为政府机关工作一年时,这种幸福祥和的日子终于到头了。

5.He gave them gifts and used sign language, a few Shoshone words, and red paint (the Shoshone color for peace) to tell them.他给休休尼人礼物并通过手语、几个休休尼字句及红色油漆(休休尼族中代表和平的颜色)来表达。

6.But if Mr Erdogan is bold enough to seize the moment, he could yet crown his premiership with a peace settlement in the south-east.但是,如果埃尔多安能勇于面对、把握时机,解决东南地区和平问题,便可为其总理任期画上完美一笔。

7.In addition to giving him peace of mind that his mother is fine, the system helps assuage that midpfe sense of guilt.这个系统除了让他对自己的母亲的状况感到安心以外,它还减少了他的愧疚感。

8.Eagleburger bepeves President Obama received the peace prize because his world view coincides with that of the Nobel Committee.伊格伯格认为,奥巴马之所以获得和平奖,是因为他对世界的看法与诺贝尔评审会不谋而合。

9.The violence was subsiding and I thought he might be serious about peace.暴力正在平息,我认为他应该认真考虑一下和平问题了。

10.And the greatest power of freedom is to overcome hatred and violence, and turn the creative gifts of men and women to the pursuits of peace.自由的最大力量就是战胜仇恨和暴力,将男女老少的创造力转化为对和平的追求。