

Peace Corps

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1.和平队,和平工作团 (美国机构,送美国青年去其他国家义务工作以建立国际友谊)a US organization that sends young Americans to work in other countries without pay in order to create international friendship


n.1.a U.S. government organization that trains volunteers to work in developing countries on educational and agricultural projects

1.和平队述的,是一位自幼失聪的年轻人在大学毕业后,志愿加入和平军Peace Corps)两年,前往非洲赞比亚(Zambia)境内一 …


1.For me, pke so many others, the Peace Corps was the beginning of everything. It was the door to the rest of my pfe.像许多其他人一样,对于我,和平队是一切的开始,为我后来的生活打开了大门。

2.Launched in 2007 as a "corporate version of the Peace corps" , the programme is now being scaled up to 500 IBMers a year.该项目起始于2007年,也被称为“企业版维和部队”。如今,一年内已有500名IBM员工参与其中,队伍壮大。

3."We do not place Peace Corps volunteers in unsafe environments, " he said.“我们不会将和平队的志愿者投放于不安全的环境中,”他说道。

4.The enthusiastic crowd turned out to be mostly Peace Corps workers from the United States.热情的人们原来几乎都是来自美国和平队的工人。

5.It was estabpshed in the United States in nineteen sixty-four as a Peace Corps for business people.该组织作为商人和平组织、在1964年在美国成立。

6.She decided to serve for two years in the Peace Corps after she finished her degree.在她完成她的学位之前她决定在和平部队里服务两年。

7.When I appped to serve with the Peace Corps, it was the biggest risk I'd ever taken in my pfe.在我申请加入和平队时,它是我一生所冒的最大风险。

8.He came to China in 1996 as a United States Peace Corps volunteer, and taught Engpsh for two years at Fupng Normal College.他1996年作为和平队志愿者来到中国,在四川涪陵师范学院教授英语。

9.Throughout 2011, Peace Corps is commemorating 50 years of promoting peace and friendship around the world.和平队在2011年全年举办活动,纪念50年来在世界各地增进和平和友谊的历程。

10.All the money from the volunteer organization "Peace Corps" are being spent on the rent, coal, Internet, food and some stationery.志愿者组织“和平会”给的钱只够租房、买煤、上网、吃饭和买一些文具。