


美式发音: [ˈlɑkˌaʊt] 英式发音: [ˈlɒkaʊt]






1.闭厂,停工(雇主在工人答应各种条件前不准其进入工作场地)a situation when an employer refuses to allow workers into their place of work until they agree to various conditions


n.1.a situation in which a company refuses to allow workers to come to work until they accept the working conditions that the company is offering them

1.天外封锁线 Loaned Personnel 借调人员 Lockout 停工 闭厂 Locus of Control 内外控倾向 ...

3.闭厂 Local market conditions: 地方劳动力市场 Lockout闭厂 Maintenance stage: 维 …

4.锁定 污物 dirt 锁定 lockout 无线电高度表 radio altimeter ...

5.停摆 《魔镜魔镜》 Mirror Mirror 《闭锁Lockout 《老雷斯的故事》 Dr. Seuss…

7.工厂闭锁 ... location of industry 工业区位 lockout 停工;工厂闭锁 long-term capital 长期资本;长期资金 ...


1.Earper, Stern agreed that it would be a failure if the owners and players don't reach a deal to end the lockout in the next few days.早前,斯特恩承认如果老板和球员们未能在接下来的几天内达成协议终止停摆,那将是个失败。

2.Numatics lockout valves prevent unauthorized pressurization of an air system during service or maintenance. more. . .防止在服务或维修的航空系统擅自加压。更多…

3.When locked in the closed position, the system controlled by the lockout valve cannot be operated until the padlock is removed.当在关闭位置锁定,系统控制的锁定阀不能工作,直到锁被删除。

4.Numatics lockout valves prevent unauthorized pressurization of an air system during service or maintenance.纽曼帝克锁定阀,防止在服务或维修的航空系统擅自加压。

5.When leaning out to look for your next holds from an NBP lockoff, consider first lowering to a lockout, to extend visual range.当你在一个平衡的内锁位置上尝试探身去抓下一个点的时候,考虑先降低重心至一个外锁的状态,以扩大视野范围。

6.There's a matter of pride over not wanting to rent players for a few months only to have the lockout end and them abandon the CBA.他们有一种自豪感,这种自豪感趋势他们决定不要那些只能够租过来几个月之后就会抛弃CBA的篮球运动员。

7.The star point guard became the first major NBA star to ink a deal with a professional club overseas as a result of the lockout.停摆期间,德隆也是第一位和海外专业俱乐部正式签约的NBA超级巨星。

8.With the current Lakers squad poised for a shakeup and a lockout looming in the NBA, Jackson chose a good time to move on.现在的湖人在NBA呈现出了固步自封和摇摇欲坠之势,杰克逊选择了一个很好的时间继续生活。

9.But the lockout put at least a temporary plug on that exodus, and the college game now find itself stacked with top young talent.不过停摆至少让这种大批流失暂时熄火,于是大学比赛陡然间充满了顶尖的青年才俊。

10.Internal circuit protection includes thermal shutdown with hysteresis, undervoltage lockout (UVLO) and crossover-current protection.内部电路保护包括滞后热关机,欠压锁定(uvlo)和交叉电流保护。