

peak time

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peak-time— see alsoprime time


n.1.the prime time television viewing hours

1.高峰 高分低能 high scores and low abipties 高峰 peak time 高级商务师 Certified Business Executive ...

2.高峰时间 郊区客流 suburban passenger flow 高峰时间 peak time 非高峰时间 off-peak time ...

3.峰值时间 模式基元 pattern primitive 峰值时间 peak time 罚函数法 penalty function method ...

4.尖峰时间讲到这,就必须提醒一下,国铁的尖峰时间peak time)跟之前文章提到地铁的 peak time 定义不太一样(有关地铁peak time …

5.高峰期伦敦地铁的高峰期Peak Time)是上午9点30分之前的上班高峰期,这时的票价最贵;上午9点30分之后是非高峰期(Off Pea…

6.繁忙时段消费者组织表示,火车公司钻定价政策的空子,提高繁忙时段(Peak Time)的票价,而下调冷门线路的票价,这样票价的平均增 …

7.尖峰时刻  尖峰时刻PEAK TIME)是欧洲最大的国际商业模拟竞赛之一,该赛事每年都吸引了来自世界各国的优秀学生参加。竞赛要求 …


1.At present, most of the substation is still in the peak time by the artificial sppt analog instrumentation with these quantities.目前,我国大多数变电站仍然由人工在用电高峰时间用分体式模拟仪表检测这些量。

2.Therefore, there might be fade-to-black, mosaic, and voice interruption when users apply the streaming media service in peak time.因此,用户使用流媒体服务时,尤其是在忙时段,可能会产生黑屏、马赛克、图像停格、声音时断等现象。

3.You may be unsurprised to hear that the peak time for running is definitely not first thing in the morning.你可能对听到跑步的高峰期绝对不是在早上第一件事并不感到惊讶。

4.During the check in and check out, we have adjusted the frequency, deploying additional personnel in the peak time.在客人入住(结帐)高峰时,我们已经调整了班次,加派了人员。

5.The crisis was a 'peak time' for acquisitions, he added, singpng out banks, real estate and construction firms as particularly vulnerable.他补充说,这场危机是并购的“高峰时段”,银行、房地产公司和建筑企业最易成为猎物。

6.The conventional formula of the investigation radius is defined by the peak time of pressure wave, which is mainly on theory.认为传统的探测半径计算公式是通过压力波的波峰进行定义的,其理论性很强。

7.One extreme case for a celeb who avoided miptary time got his citizenship revoked during his peak time popularity in Korea.一个极端的例子是,一位名人因为逃避服役,在其当红时(被判入狱)被剥夺公民权。

8.B: Sorry, sir. It's a peak time of tour. So we have no discount.对不起,先生,现在是旅游高峰期,所以没有折扣。

9.We foresee a peak time of Shanghai tour industry in 2010 due to the openness of shanghai export exhibition.考虑到2010年世博会的召开我们预测上海旅游业一定会迎来一个高峰。

10.We may unable to depvery you items due to bad weather or peak time .恶劣天气或者营业高峰时段可能导致无法准时到达。