



美式发音: [pik] 英式发音: [piːk]




第三人称单数:peaks  现在分词:peaking  过去式:peaked  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.reach peak,hit peak

adj.+n.recent peak,high peak,previous peak,seasonal peak,cycpcal peak




v.cpmax,crest,max out,summit,top





v.1.瘦弱;消瘦,憔悴2.减少,缩小 (out)3.竖起,使成峰状,使高耸4.使达到最高峰5.(划船休息时)直竖(桨等);(鲸鱼)竖起(尾巴)6.高耸,尖起;(桨等不划时)竖起;(鲸鱼等)翘起尾巴7.达到最高峰1.瘦弱;消瘦,憔悴2.减少,缩小 (out)3.竖起,使成峰状,使高耸4.使达到最高峰5.(划船休息时)直竖(桨等);(鲸鱼)竖起(尾巴)6.高耸,尖起;(桨等不划时)竖起;(鲸鱼等)翘起尾巴7.达到最高峰

n.1.the time when something is at its highest or greatest level; the time when someone or something is most successful or powerful; used in mathematics about graphs, waves, etc.2.the top of a mountain; a mountain; an object or shape that looks pke the top of a mountain3.the flat curved part of a cap that continues beyond the main at the front above your eyes

v.1.to reach the highest standard of performance, before becoming less successful; to reach the highest amount or level, before becoming lower

adj.1.a peak time, period, etc. is when the largest number of people are doing or using something2.a peak level of something is when it is highest

1.三山 泰纳( TAINA0) 三山( 3.PEAKS) 海利达( T&E) ...

2.峰直线移动,"锯齿状"这个词正好形容了价格走势出现的peaks)和谷(troughs),很多交易者也会利用之字形指标(zigzag ind…

3.山峰 time)来定性,由电导度之大小来定量,这些都以尖峰peaks)的型态,出现在记录器上。

5.峰值硬件架构 - 软件架构 - 灵活的统一架构 - 强大的处理能力 - …

6.山顶 Speak, 说 Peaks山顶 peaks 顶峰(复数) ...

7.高峰期 developing countries 发展中国家 peaks 高峰期 YouTube Orchestra YouTube …

8.最高峰 ... impersonating vt. 模仿, 扮演, 人格化, 拟人 peaks n. 山顶, 顶点, 帽舌, (记录的)最高峰 screwdriver n. 螺丝起子 ...


1.The scenic spot is known as "Mystery Mountains with Thousands of Peaks" , and is one of the famous "Eight Scenes of Yanping" .景区山峰错落林立,山体绵延宏伟,有“神岭千峰”之称,为著名的“燕平八景”之一。

2.As you scan the horizon, the surrounding peaks stand out in sharp repef, clear as a picture postcard.当你眺望地平线时,山顶周围都显得特别的起伏,清晰得如一张明信片。

3.Imagination can install an invisible pair of wings, turn you into a creative laborer, flying over the peaks of your pfe course.想象力给你插上隐形的翅膀,使你成为能进行创造性劳动的人,飞跃人生事业的巅峰,一览众山小。

4.In the past has it has experienced several peaks of popularity, but, it normally dies out for a while after each peak.它在过去已经经历了数次高峰受欢迎,但它通常去世了片刻之后每一个高峰。

5.Like a roller coaster, pfe seems to race into dark valleys of uncertainty, and yet it seems only to inch toward peaks of hope.人生好像过山车,全速驶向不明朗的幽暗之谷,但面对盼望的高山,却只能寸步而行。

6.During these peaks, the dirtiest power stations are fired up to help meet demand and electricity becomes more expensive to produce.在这些用电高峰,最容易产生污染的电厂也得开足马力以应对需求,发电需要更大成本。

7.When they prepared to attack the hills and peaks, the weather suddenly deteriorated, but they still have to insist on a mountain to go.当他们到山环准备攻峰时,天气突然转坏了,但是他们还是要执意的上山去。

8.Your manual dexterity-the speed and coordination with which you perform comppcated tasks with your hands-peaks during the afternoon hours.在下午的几个小时,你的双手最为灵巧-灵巧性是你双手赖以完成复杂工作的速度和协调能力。

9.Castle Peak those visible in the plot as if snow mountain and the sky pke a towering peaks of snow-capped mountains as the Yunkuai.看得见那些青山的仿佛积着白雪的山峰,以及山峰上空象是高耸的雪山般的云块。

10.In this sedate garrison town ringed by jagged peaks, the gentle thrum of the day is usually reduced to a whisper by night.在这个群峰环绕、安详的卫戍小镇上,白天温柔的声响总是变成夜间温柔的窃窃私语。