


美式发音: 英式发音: [ˌpi:dɪ'ætrɪk]





1.小儿科的 Radiologic Anatomy 辐射解剖学 Pediatric 小儿科的 Anatomy and Cell Biology 解剖和细胞生 …

2.儿童 产品编号 Product No 2儿童 Pediatric 3成人 Adult ...

3.儿童专用瓶 正畸科 Department of 儿童牙科 Pediatric 老年牙科 Elderly dental ...


1.One crazy day in our pediatric cpnic saw me hand a young patient a urine sample container and tell him to fill it up in the bathroom.忙碌的儿科诊室里,我给小患者一个尿样容器,告诉他去洗手间里把它装满。

2.Your pediatrician or pediatric dentist will let you know when your child is able to brush on his own.你的儿科医生或儿科牙医会告诉你什么时候你的孩子才能够独立刷牙。

3.The pediatric group did not recommend routine male circumcision, but it did say the procedure should be covered by insurance.儿童小组并不推荐常规的男性割礼手术,但它确实表示这项手术应该得到相关保险的支持。

4.He also brings laughter to a place that is often badly in need of it: pediatric hospitals across the country.他还带来了笑声,一个地方,往往是急需需要它:全国儿科医院对面。

5.In addition, he said, he must personally approve all pediatric CT scans.除此之外,他说,就个人来说,他赞成所有的儿科CT扫描。

6.The aim of this study is to understand the source and causes of nosocomial infection in patients in Pediatric Intensive Care Units (PICU).本研究的目的在探讨小儿加护中心病患,引起院内感染之途迳及因素。

7.If your child chips or breaks a tooth during a game, or in an injury or fall, you should take her to the pediatric dentist immediately.如果孩子玩游戏时、被磕碰时、摔倒时崩坏或碰掉了牙齿,你应该立即带她去看儿科牙医。

8.There was no safety testing of Thimerosal in children before it was put into pediatric vaccines.在硫柳汞被放进儿科疫苗之前,并没有作过儿童的硫柳汞的安全性试验。

9.The aim of the present study was to determine the rate of resolution of untreated pediatric trigger thumb.本研究目的在于确定非处理的小儿扳机拇畸形消失的比率。

10.Hyperactivity especially cough, pediatric wind-heat, throat sore throat and dry stool guitar's disease was more appropriate.多动,特别是小儿咳嗽风热,咽喉喉咙痛及大便干结症较为适宜。