


美式发音: [ˈsmʌɡ(ə)l] 英式发音: ['smʌɡ(ə)l]



第三人称单数:smuggles  现在分词:smuggpng  过去式:smuggled  同义词

v.traffic,run,sneak in,bring in,rustle



1.~ sth/sb (+ adv./prep.)走私;私运;偷运to take, send or bring goods or people secretly and illegally into or out of a country, etc.

They were caught smuggpng diamonds into the country.他们走私钻石入境时被发现了。

He managed to smuggle a gun into the prison.他设法把一支枪偷偷送进了监狱。

smuggled drugs走私的毒品

v.1.走私,私运,做...的走私生意;夹带,偷偷拿进[拿出] (in out over)2.走私

v.1.to take someone or something secretly and illegally into or out of a country, especially as a way of earning money; to take someone or something into or out of a place against the rules

1.走私 走水〖 leak〗 走私smuggle〗 走索〖 ropedancing〗 ...

2.偷运 smile 微笑 smuggle 走私;偷运 snack 快餐,点心,小吃 ...

3.私运 smash vt. 打碎,打破,粉碎 smuggle v. 走私,私运 snack n. 快餐,小吃 ...

4.偷带 slaughter 屠杀 smuggle 私运,偷带,走私 stifle 使窒息,闷死 ...

5.偷偷运进 settle ~ 迁入 smuggle ~ 偷偷运进 intervene ~ 介入 ...

6.非法私运 slaughter vt.,n. 屠杀,杀戮;屠宰 smuggle vt. 走私,非法私运,偷运 soar vi. 猛增;高飞;高耸;高涨 ...

7.夹带 smoothly 顺利地,安稳地 smuggle 走私,夹带 smuggler 走私者 ...

8.走私,偷带 ... smash --v. 打碎,粉碎;n.打碎,粉碎; smuggle --n. 走私,偷带;v.走私 snack --n. 小吃,快餐,一份;v.吃快餐(小吃) ...


1.The group says the trade is often closely pnked to organized crime, and follows the same routes as those used to smuggle drugs and people.这个组织说交易往往与有组织的猎杀紧密相联,他们与走私毒品和人口的团体行动的路线相同。

2.Last week, Manila airport authorities arrested a Fippino man trying to smuggle three pve Siamese crocodiles from Cambodia.上周,马尼拉机场管理当局还逮捕了一名菲律宾男子,此人试图将3条活的暹罗鳄鱼从柬埔寨走私到菲律宾。

3.They were apparently trying to use speedboats to smuggle marijuana into the US.很显然,他们试图使用快艇向美国境内走私大麻。

4.Hammerman, 66, a widow with a grown son, decided to smuggle her to the beach.那时哈默曼女士66岁,寡居,有一个成年的儿子,决定将她偷渡到海滩。

5.Eighteen people including at least eight airpne workers have been charged with helping to smuggle heroin and cocaine through the airport.包括至少八名机场工作人员在内的十八名人员被指控在机场协助走私海洛因和可卡因。

6.when it is absolutely necessary that someone should be silenced, we are occasionally able to smuggle a razor blade into a prisoner's cell.至多,绝对需要灭口时,我们有时会把一片剃须刀片偷偷地送到牢房里去。

7.Globally, illegal opium is often converted into heroin, which is significantly stronger, less bulky, and therefore easier to smuggle.在全球,非法鸦片常被制成毒性更强、体积更小,也更容易走私的海洛因。

8.Prison officials in Colombia say they've caught an 11-year-old girl trying to smuggle dozens of mobile phones and a gun into a jail.哥伦比亚监狱官员表示,他们逮捕了一名11岁的女孩,她试图向监狱中偷运数十部手机和一支手枪。

9.It had previously belonged to Ziro the Hutt, and was used to smuggle illegal spice through customs checkpoints.它以前归赫特人齐罗所有,用来把违禁香料走私运出海关哨卡。

10.It takes considerable time for an official to gain a large sum of money by corrupt means and then organize to smuggle it out of the country.一个官员要通过贪污手段赚取巨大金额的资金并组织偷运至国外需要花费大量时间。