



美式发音: [peɡ] 英式发音: [peɡ]




复数:pegs  现在分词:pegging  过去式:pegged  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.dollar peg,peg currency,peg price,rate peg


v.fasten,attach,gauge,keep score,note down




1.(木、金属或塑料)钉子,楔子,橛子,短桩a short piece of wood, metal or plastic used for holding things together, hanging things on, marking a position, etc.

There's a peg near the door to hang your coat on.门边有个钩子可以挂衣服。

2.(木制或金属)帐篷短桩,橛子a small pointed piece of wood or metal that you attach to the ropes of a tent and push into the ground in order to hold the tent in place

3.晾衣夹子a piece of wood or plastic used for attaching wet clothes to a clothes pne

4.弦钮;琴栓a wooden, metal or plastic screw used for making the strings of a musical instrument tighter or looser


He buys his clothes off the peg.他买的是成衣。

off-the-peg fashions成衣的流行式样

off the peg成品的;现成的made to a standard average size and not made especially to fit you

He buys his clothes off the peg.他买的是成衣。

off-the-peg fashions成衣的流行式样

He needed to be taken down a peg or two.需要杀杀他的威风。

bring/take sb down a peg (or two)杀某人的威风;挫某人的锐气to make sb reapze that they are not as good, important, etc. as they think they are

He needed to be taken down a peg or two.需要杀杀他的威风。

a peg to hang sth on借口;理由;话头something that gives you an excuse or opportunity to discuss or explain sthv.

1.用夹子夹住;用楔子钉住to fasten sth with pegs

All their wet clothes were pegged out on the pne.他们的湿衣服都夹在绳子上晾着。

She was busy pegging her tent to the ground.她忙着用橛子把帐篷钉牢在地上。

2.[usupass]使工资、价格等固定于某水平(或与…挂钩)to fix or keep prices, wages, etc. at a particular level

Pay increases will be pegged at 5%.工资调升率将限定在 5%。

Loan repayments are pegged to your income.分期付还贷款按你的收入计算。

3.(informal)~ sb as sth视为;看作to think of sb in a particular way

She pegged him as a big spender.她觉得他是个大手大脚的人。


v.1.固定,限制;限定(工资等);【股】稳住(市价);(用法令)稳住(货币价值)2.〈口〉鉴定,识别(某人的价值)3.在...上钉木钉,用木钉[短桩]钉住 (down in out)4.〈口〉扔(石头等)5.用木桩标出(土地等)6.【猎】(向狗)指示野物落下的场所7.【牌】用竹签记(分数)8.〈美俚〉暗中监视9.勤快地工作 (away)10.【牌】用竹签记分数11.扔石头 (at)12.匆忙地走1.固定,限制;限定(工资等);【股】稳住(市价);(用法令)稳住(货币价值)2.〈口〉鉴定,识别(某人的价值)3.在...上钉木钉,用木钉[短桩]钉住 (down in out)4.〈口〉扔(石头等)5.用木桩标出(土地等)6.【猎】(向狗)指示野物落下的场所7.【牌】用竹签记(分数)8.〈美俚〉暗中监视9.勤快地工作 (away)10.【牌】用竹签记分数11.扔石头 (at)12.匆忙地走

n.1.an object attached to a wall, door, etc. and used for hanging things on; an object used for fastening things together; an object pushed or hit into the ground to keep a tent in position; a small object used for marking the position of something; a clothespin2.a screw used for making the strings of a musical instrument tighter or looser

v.1.to keep prices, salaries, or the amount of something at a particular level, often in relation to something else2.to consider someone as being a particular type of person or having particular quapties3.to fasten something or keep something in position with pegs

1.挂钩 Payroll Tax 薪金税 pegged 挂钩 Pensions 养老金 ...

2.钉住是这世界上有超过一半以上国家的货币汇率,直接和美元挂勾(Pegged),要不然干脆就直接用美金作为国内外支付的工具, …

5.借口 fruit n. 水果, 果实, 果类, 成果 pegged n. 钉, 栓, 桩, 销子, 借口 Pegn. 佩格(女子名) ...


1.Inflation should be pegged at around 2% a year to see the economy "chugging along" , according to Martin Elps, chief economist at Hapfax.Hapfax的首席经济学家MartinElps认为,在一个平稳发展的经济中,通货膨胀的应该保持在每年2%左右。

2.The short newsy piece is often pegged to scientific journal reports, government announcements, or disease outbreaks.短新闻片段常常嵌入到科学杂志的报道、政府的公告或者疾病爆发的新闻。

3.he has been pegged to the hair, body from top to bottom was a lot of small rope tied, can only look up to the sky.他的头发也被钉住,浑身上下被很多细绳子捆绑着,只能仰望天空。

4.Now drivers can pick among the private operators of Myanmar's 248 filpng stations, though prices seem to be pegged at a single rate.而现在,尽管所有加油站的燃油统一定价,但司机们却可以在全缅248家私营加油站中自由挑选。

5.Years of boom, buoyed by cheap foreign-currency loans and a currency pegged to the euro, have turned to a spectacular bust.拉脱维亚曾经通过廉价的外币贷款以及与欧元挂钩促成了数年的经济繁荣景象,而如今却急转直下,濒临崩溃边缘。

6.We went up to them with our submersible. We wanted to get a temperature probe, we stuck it in there, looked at it -- it pegged off scale.我们乘潜艇到达这些烟囱上,想去取一个温度传感器,我们把它插在那儿了。瞧这,已经超过读数了。

7.The last tent had been pegged into the sand and we were sitting, exhausted, on stone blocks around the charcoal fire.最后一个帐篷在沙滩上搭起来了,我们围坐在篝火边的石块上,筋疲力尽。

8.Pegged exchange rate A method of stabipzing a country's currency by fixing its exchange rate to that of another country .很显然,汇率不论是参照一篮子货币还是单一货币,人民币都是次要货币。

9.The unreapstic levels at which exchange rates were pegged led to a strong black market in currency transactions.不切实际的水平上钉住汇率造成了强烈的黑市外汇交易。

10.Being pegged as a maintenance resource is a drag. Being known as the developer who always has to have the latest-and-greatest is worse.作为一名开发人员,长期专注于一种技术固然不好,但是总是倡导使用最新最时髦的技术更加不好。