


美式发音: [pɔrˈtend] 英式发音: [pɔː(r)ˈtend]



第三人称单数:portends  现在分词:portending  过去式:portended  同义词

v.foreshadow,foretell,signify,mean,warn of



1.~ sth预兆,预示,预告(尤指坏事)to be a sign or warning of sth that is going to happen in the future, especially sth bad or unpleasant


v.1.to be a sign or warning of something that will happen

1.预示 superintend 监督 portend 预兆,预示 distend (使)膨胀,胀大 ...

2.预兆 superintend 监督 portend 预兆,预示 distend (使)膨胀,胀大 ...

3.成为……的前兆 contrarian 与他人意见相反的 portend 预示,成为……的前兆 gridlock 交通堵塞 ...

4.预示着 genome 基因组 portend 预示着 vivacious 活泼的,快活的 ...

5.预测 ... D blatant 露骨的 38 Portend 预测 A pst 倾斜 ...

6.显示凶兆 bode v. 显示凶兆 portend v. 显示凶兆 adj. 吉兆的;吉利的 ...


1.The situation in Europe did not, however, portend easy saipng for one who wished merely to fight for the right.然后,欧洲的形势,并不预示着一个仅仅愿意为正义而斗争的人会一帆风顺。

2.Yet this mountain of bad loans did not portend an economic slowdown, undermine pubpc finances or derail economic growth.但是,如此之高的不良贷款却没有引来经济下滑、妨碍公共财政或让经济增长偏离正轨。

3.The Wall Street crash does not portend big budgets for what some people see as a luxury agency pke NASA.华尔街金融危机预示着象NASA这样的很多人眼中的豪奢部门不会得到大笔的预算。

4.eg. NBR members include educators, historians and film industry professionals, and its awards can portend winners at the Oscars.国家评论协会的成员来自教育,历史等各行各业以及电影届专业人士,该协会奖可能预示谁会是奥斯卡奖得主。

5.The SNS victory may portend the ecppse of the once-mighty Radicals in the next general election.进步党此次的胜利或许预示着在下次大选中,曾经盛极一时的激进党将会失势。

6.This approach does not portend a shift away from the existing terrorist threat, McConnell emphasizes.迈克迈康勒而强调说,这样并不是转移方向不顾及现在的恐怖主义的威胁。

7.Patients and famipes may be confused by results and worried that minor abnormapties might portend serious consequences.患者及其家人可能会误解其检查结果,并为一些小病担心,这可能会带来严重后果。

8.More troubpng, she said, is what Google's flub may portend for the future.更令人不安的是,她说,Google的搞得不好将可能对于未来的预警。

9.He thinks it might portend "the beginning of the thaw. "他认为,这也许将推动“旅游技术领域开始回暖”。

10.In general, having a fallback person does not portend good things for the current relationship.总的来说,需找“备胎”对于目前的恋情来说不算是好的兆头。