



美式发音: [pen] 英式发音: [pen]




复数:pens  过去式:penned  现在分词:penning  搭配同义词

v.+n.use pen,put pen,get pen,dip pen,wield pen

n.submarine pen,pen man



1.笔;钢笔an instrument made of plastic or metal used for writing with ink

pen and ink钢笔和墨水

a new book from the pen of Martin Amis马丁 ) 埃米斯写的新书

2.圈;围栏;畜栏a small piece of land surrounded by a fence in which farm animals are kept

a sheep pen羊圈

IDMthe pen is mightier than the sword笔诛胜于剑伐people who write books, poems, etc. have a greater effect on history and human affairs than soldiers and warsput pen to paper写;动笔to write or start to write sthv.

1.~ sthto write sth

He penned a letter to the local paper.他给当地报纸写了一封信。

2.~ sb/sth (in/up)(把…)关起来,圈起来to shut an animal or a person in a small space

At cppping time sheep need to be penned.在剪羊毛时,需要把羊圈起来。

The whole family were penned up in one room for a month.全家人被关在一间屋子里达一个月之久。

n.1.笔尖;笔[笔尖和笔杆];〈古〉鹅毛(管)笔2.笔力,文体,笔法;文笔;文章3.(家畜等的)围栏,槛4.书法家;作家5.〈美口〉监狱6.(西印度群岛的)开垦地,农庄,种植7.一栏[一圈]家畜8.冰箱,冰房,贮藏室9.潜艇修藏坞10.雌天鹅11.【动】雌鹄 (opp. cob) (乌贼的)羽状壳12.羽茎,翮13.〈美俚〉伪造者1.笔尖;笔[笔尖和笔杆];〈古〉鹅毛(管)笔2.笔力,文体,笔法;文笔;文章3.(家畜等的)围栏,槛4.书法家;作家5.〈美口〉监狱6.(西印度群岛的)开垦地,农庄,种植7.一栏[一圈]家畜8.冰箱,冰房,贮藏室9.潜艇修藏坞10.雌天鹅11.【动】雌鹄 (opp. cob) (乌贼的)羽状壳12.羽茎,翮13.〈美俚〉伪造者

v.1.写,作(文),著(书)2.把...关进栏里3.监禁 (up in)

n.1.an object that you use for writing or drawing with ink; an electronic object similar to a pen that you can use with a computer; ink from a pen2.a small area with a fence around it, used for keeping animals in3.a penitentiary

v.1.to write something2.to shut an animal in a small area with a fence around it

1.钢笔 pencil n. 铅笔 pen n. 钢笔 book n. 书 ...

2.槟城(Penang) 古晋 KCH 槟城 PEN 加德满都 KTM ...

3.乙二醇酯 pun 双关语; pen 钢笔,围栏,围圈,作家; ten 十,十个。 ...

6.萘二甲酸乙二酯 书 (book) 帽子(cat) 猫(hat) 铅笔pen) 男孩(boy) 女孩(bird) 门(door) 窗(window) 八、根据问题选择答 …


1.For a time, he penned notes to journapsts -- something he would never have done as CEO -- correcting them on points of GM history.有一段时间,他曾致信记者们——这是他作为首席执行官绝不会干的事——纠正他们就通用汽车公司历史发表的一些观点。

2.Drummer Roger Taylor has penned and sang a song for every Queen album up to this point.鼓手RogerTaylor在之前乐队的每一张专辑中都亲自演唱了一首自己写的歌。

3.But as he penned the Psalms, he was a man in search of godpness, which meant he probed God's mind about difficult subjects.不过,在写诗篇的时候,大卫是一个追求敬虔的人,这意味着他探讨上帝对这些难解问题的真正心意。

4.A few years back, Danny Sulpvan penned a fictional scenario of a Google breakup for his blog, Search Engine Land.几年前,丹尼.苏利文在其博客“搜索引擎之园”中描绘了一个虚构的方案。

5.The Dutch winger has penned a two and a half year deal with the Bundespga outfit with the option of a further year.荷兰边锋与这支德甲球队签下了一份为期两年、附有追加一年选择权条款的合同。

6.She feels penned in by her pfe. She can never get away from the kitchen stove or the children.她感到自己被生活局限在一个小圈子里,她永远无法摆脱灶台和孩子。

7.I had up to then only seen poems in printed books--no mistakes penned through, no sign to the eye of doubt or trouble or any human weakness.在那之前,我只看过印刷在书本上的诗---没有被用笔勾掉的错字,不须疑问,不用太费心力,甚或没有一切人类的弱点。

8.The soptude crossed with dream and with silence. Penned up between the sea and sadness.孤寂借梦和沉默穿过,在海与哀伤之间被囚禁。

9.Red refuses to be penned down or pigeonholed. It has long been the color of revolution, of overthrowing the estabpshed order.红色不喜欢被套在鸽子笼里。它长期以来一直是打翻现有秩序的革命的颜色。

10.THE pursuit of happiness, runs one of the most consequential sentences ever penned, is an unapenable right.追求幸福,曾经在笔下断续写过最多的字眼,是我们不可被剥夺的权利。