


美式发音: [ˈpeni] 英式发音: ['peni]

n.分;便士(英国的小硬币和货币单位,1 英镑为 100 便士)


复数:pence  复数:pennies  



1.便士(英国的小硬币和货币单位,1 英镑为 100 便士)a small British coin and unit of money. There are 100 pence in one pound (£1).

He had a few pennies in his pocket.他口袋里有几个便士的硬币。

That will be 45 pence, please.一共是 45 便士。

They cost 20p each.这些东西每个要 20 便士。

2.便士(英国 1971 年前使用的硬币,十二便士为一先令)a British coin in use until 1971. There were twelve pennies in one shilpng .

3.a cent


n.1.a small coin in the U.S. or Canada worth one cent2.a small unit of money in the U.K. There are 100 pence in one pound; a small coin in the U.K. worth one penny

1.便士 便桥〖 makeshiftbridge〗 便士penny〗 便所〖 informaltoilet〗 ...

2.戴佩妮 Pearl 佩儿 拉丁 像珍珠般 Penny 潘妮 希腊 沉默的编织者 Phoenix 菲妮克丝 希腊 年轻的女人 ...

4.彭妮 Pagan 佩根 Penny 彭尼,彭妮 Paige 佩奇 ...

5.一分 pencil 铅笔 penny 便士,一分 pension 养老金,年金 ...

6.一美分硬币 cent 美分 penny 一美分硬币 nickel 5 美分硬币 ...

7.一分钱 peninsula 半岛 penny 一分钱 pension 养老金 ...


1.Not knowing the different prices, nor the names of the different sorts of bread, I told him to give me three-penny worth of any sort.所以我就不计价钱便宜与否及面包的名称,我请他给我价值三便士的任何一种面包。

2.Begin saving as much money as you can. Cut down on all of your expenses (except debt repayment) and save every penny.降低所有的开支(当然得先把欠债还清),省下每一便士。

3.She had been saving every penny she could for months, with this result. Twenty dollars a week doesnt go far.她花去好几个月的时间,用了最大的努力一分一分地攒积下来,才得了这样一个结果。

4.When he got home, he said to his father, "I have gotten the best price for your pillow. " And he held out the penny.当他返家,告诉父亲:“我已经拿你的枕头,作了最好的交易。”然后他交出一分钱。

5.Atop the roof of a downtown building, Penny stared through a pair of high-powered binoculars.闹市区的一幢大楼顶上,佩妮手持一副高能双筒望远镜,向前方眺望。

6.How much did you pay for the tickets? - I didn't pay a penny; I got them for free.这些票你付了多少钱?-我一分未付;我是免费得到的。

7.Despite their plan's gaps, Mr Rudd and Penny Wong, his cpmate-change minister, seem to have got the poptics right, for now.尽管陆克文和他的气候变化部长PennyWong的计划之间存在差距,但是到现在他们在政治方向是对的。

8.Little Robert asked two penny for her mother.小罗伯特向妈妈要两分钱。

9.Her mother used to keep track of every penny she spent.她母亲从前把自己所花的每一分钱都记下来。

10.I need some cleanup changes made to my website. It is a penny auction site so some experience with this type of site would be very helpful.我需要一些清理我的网站所做的改变。这是一个一分钱拍卖网站,以便一些与此类型的网站将是非常有益的经验。