




1.芳汀 诺维家 Lovica 梵帝尼 Fantine 德维尔 Deweier ...

5.安婷 安妮·海瑟薇 Anne Hathaway 《悲惨世界Fantine 艾米·亚当斯 Amy Adams ...


1.Fantine had not seen Javert since the day on which the mayor had torn her from the man.芳汀,自从市长先生把她从沙威手中救出来以后,还没有看见过沙威。

2.Fantine alone refused to swing. "I don't pke to have people put on airs pke that, " muttered Favourite, with a good deal of acrimony.只有芳汀一个人不肯打秋千。“我不喜欢有人装这种腔。”宠儿气愤愤地说。

3.All at once she ceased speaking, and this caused him to raise his head mechanically. Fantine had become terrible.忽然一下,她不说话了,他机械地抬起头来,芳汀神色大变。

4."Jesus! " said Marguerite, "what is the matter with you, Fantine? "“耶稣!”玛格丽特说,“您出了什么事,芳汀?”

5.It began to be said in an undertone, in the women's workroom, that Fantine "wrote letters" and that "she had ways about her. "在女车间里,大家开始叽叽喳喳谈论起来了,说芳汀“天天寄信”,说她有一些“怪举动”。

6.In the meantime, Fantine was staring at the tester of her bed. She seemed to be endeavoring to recall something.这时,芳汀望着她的帐顶,她的神气象是在追忆一件往事。

7.There was no one in the house but the two nuns, Sister Perpetue and Sister Simppce, who were watching beside the body of Fantine.那幢房子里只有两个修女,佩尔佩迪姆姆和散普丽斯姆姆还在守着芳汀的遗体。

8.All at once Fantine raised her eyes, saw him, and made M. Madeleine turn round.忽然,芳汀抬起眼睛看见了他,又叫马德兰先生转过头去。

9.It was this glance which Fantine had felt penetrating to the very marrow of her bones two months previously.两个月前,芳汀感到深入她骨髓的,也正是这种目光。

10.Fantine, Dahpa, Zephine, and Favourite have been teasing us for nearly a year to give them a surprise.芳汀,大丽,瑟芬和宠儿要求我们送她们一件古怪玩意儿已快一年了。