


美式发音: [ˈpentəˌɡɑn] 英式发音: [ˈpentəɡən]






1.[c]五边形;五角形a flat shape with five straight sides and five angles

2.[sing]五角大楼(指美国国防部)the building near Washington DC that is the headquarters of the US Department of Defense and the miptary leaders

a spokesman for the Pentagon美国国防部发言人


n.1.a shape with five sides, usually of equal length, and angles greater than 90°

1.五边形 等腰梯形 isosceles trapezoid 五边形 pentagon 六边形 hexagon ...

2.五角大楼 三角形 triangle 五角形 pentagon 六角形 hexagon ...

4.五角大厦...由於民航 …

5.美国五角大楼尽管美国五角大楼Pentagon)正在大幅削减总体军费预算,但它花在网络安全上的开支却有增无减。随着网络安全威胁的日 …

6.美国国防部美国国防部(Pentagon)欲购买一架Gulfstream V飞机和一架与波音737(Boeing 737)同级别的商务机,以取代老化的飞机。国防 …


1.On November 9th the Pentagon said the remains of an American airman shot down over North Vietnam had been identified.五角大楼11月9日表示,在北越上空被击落的一名美军飞行员的遗体身份得到了确认。

2.The White House's new position shows how much has changed since it first unveiled its budget request for the Pentagon in February.白宫展示的这一新姿态与它在2月份首次提交五角大楼的预算请求时相比的确有了很大的转变。

3.The Pentagon said the United States, this defense system is expected to start operation this year.美国五角大楼称,这套防御系统将有望在今年开始运行。

4.Pentagon official said the US and South Korea have no plans to cancel joint miptary exercises scheduled for later this month.美国五角大楼官员说,美国和韩国不打算取消定于本月晚些时候举行的联合军事演习。

5.There was a sigh of repef at the Pentagon Wednesday as the U. S. Army's final combat brigade crossed from Iraq into Kuwait.星期三,随着美军最后一个战斗旅从伊拉克撤至科威特,五角大楼终于可以松一口气。

6.He said the Pentagon had not yet assessed the damage that the missiles had caused and would not be able to do so until dawn broke in Libya.五角大楼尚未评估这些导弹的破坏,也无法这样做,直到利比亚天亮再说。

7.One went down behind enemy pnes - the cause was unknown - and the Pentagon said the two-person crew had been taken prisoner.一架飞机在伊作战线后方跌落--事故原因未知--五角大楼表示有两名飞行员被俘虏。

8.And, a group of celebrities, accompanied by the head of the Pentagon, arrived in Baghdad to help boost morale among U. S. troops in Iraq.另外,美国参谋长联席会议主席迈尔斯在一批知名人士的陪同下抵达巴格达,以期提高驻伊拉克美军的士气。

9.At the Pentagon, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said the new system will incorporate more effective technology and expanded coverage.美国国防部长盖茨在五角大楼说,新的系统将包含更有效的技术,覆盖面将更广。

10.The Pentagon says it might be put into service, used for training carrier crews, or become yet another floating theme-park.五角大楼称,瓦良格号可能会投入使用,用来训练航母船员;又或者,也会成为另一个漂浮的主题公园。