


美式发音: [ˈpepər] 英式发音: [ˈpepə(r)]




复数:peppers  现在分词:peppering  过去式:peppered  同义词




1.[u]胡椒粉a powder made from dried berries (called peppercorns ), used to give a hot flavour to food

Season with salt and pepper用盐和胡椒粉调味

freshly ground pepper新研磨的胡椒粉

2.[c][u]甜椒;柿子椒;灯笼椒a hollow fruit, usually red, green or yellow, eaten as a vegetable either raw or cooked


1.~ sth(在食物上)撒胡椒粉to put pepper on food

peppered steak撒了胡椒粉的牛排

Salt and pepper the potatoes.给土豆放上盐和胡椒粉。



n.1.a black or white powder that adds strong flavor to food. It is made from crushed dried fruits called peppercorns.2.a red, green, orange, or yellow vegetable with small white seeds inside. It can be eaten raw in salads or cooked.; a small pepper with a strong hot flavor

v.1.to hit something many times and in many different places; to be in many different places all over a surface; to fill something such as a speech or piece of writing with a lot of examples of something2.to put pepper on food

1.胡椒 胡笳十八拍〖 HujiaShiBaPai〗 胡椒〖 blackpepper;pepper〗 胡搅〖 pestersb.;bemischievous〗 ...

2.胡椒粉 Christmas tree 圣诞树 Pepper 胡椒粉 1 part vodka 伏特加酒 ...

3.辣椒 玉米( maize o..... 辣椒pepper) 番茄( tomato) ...

4.辣椒粉 eggplant 茄子 pepper 辣椒,辣椒粉 mushroom 蘑菇 ...

5.甜椒 Beet 甜菜 Pepper 甜椒 Cucumber 黄瓜 ...

6.胡椒粉,胡椒 people 人,人们,人民;民族 pepper 胡椒粉,胡椒;辣椒 per 每 ...

7.花椒 oyster sauce 濠油, pepper 花椒 red chilp powder 辣椒粉, ...

8.白胡椒粉g 调料: 盐 (salt) 2 小匙(tsp) 白胡椒粉 (pepper) 适量


1.The child sits in front of his desk again, opens the drawer, and searches for that faint allusion embodied by the cayenne pepper.孩子坐回他的书桌前,打开那层抽屉,寻找着记忆中的那份朦胧。

2.It plans to pepper some of America's fastest-growing states with Fresh & Easy local groceries at a rate of three a week.它还准备以每周3个的频率在美国增长最快的某些州大量建设新易杂货店。

3.But the next, she would pepper me with questions about how the submarines really worked and if they really had a chance.过了一天,她又缠着我问诸如潜艇是怎么工作的,他们有没有机会找到飞机的残骸这一类的问题。

4.The couple's three cats have been farmed out to friends and neighbors, but Strong's dog, Pepper, is still with her.这对伴侣的三只宠物猫已经送给了朋友和邻居。但是沙琳的那只名叫Peper的宠物狗仍然陪伴着她。

5.Sichuan food is often seasoned with pepper, so it tastes spicy and hot.四川菜的调料常有辣椒,所以吃起来较辣。

6.All foods can be better with a pttle bit of salt and pepper.加上一点胡椒,所有的食物都可以变得更加美味。

7.It was a momentary chance for the team in navy blue, as England continued to pepper Tim Howard's goal.这是身着海军蓝球衣的美国队瞬间即逝的机会,接着英格兰队就继续向蒂姆·霍华德的球门发起密集的攻击。

8.Instead, Pepper kisses the "pps" of Stark' s helmet and throws it out of the plane.相反,秘书小辣椒没有亲斯塔克,而是亲吻了斯塔克的头盔,接着把它扔出了飞机。

9.And she said to the attendant, cranberry, and I said, Dr. Pepper, and she said, vodka.于是她对乘务员说,蔓越莓,我说,胡椒先生,她说,伏特加。

10.Some of them already got flowers. What I gonna do if I get so much pepper later? Who has some good pepper dish recipe, please share with me.有些已经开花了。后来我要是收了很多辣椒我要做什么吃呢?谁有辣椒的菜谱,请分享给我哦。