




1.佩雷斯 西班牙 Lando 佩雷兹 Perez FLY 飞吉他 ...

3.法勒斯 九月二十四日 尼拿 PENlNNAH 九月二十五日 法勒斯 PEREZ 九月二十六日 彼息氏 PERSIS ...

4.培瑞兹C第2轮首战面对墨西哥,韩国先发柳贤振,墨西哥先发培瑞兹Perez),柳贤振首局让墨西哥前3棒3上3下,1局下李 …

5.皮尔兹 RAIMUNDO 雷蒙多 Perez 佩雷兹西班牙 yamaha 雅马哈日本品牌 ...

7.奎莱默-佩雷兹 M-埃斯皮诺萨, Maria del Rosario Espinoza 奎莱默-佩雷兹, Perez 詹森, Anju Jason ...

8.培雷兹 41. MITCHELL - 米切尔 42. PEREZ - 培雷兹 43. ROBERTS - 罗伯兹 ...


1.Two years ago, at the age of 7, Mason Perez hypothesized that he was wasting a lot of water when washing his hands.两年前,七岁的马森佩雷兹认为自己洗手的时候浪费了太多的水。

2."I'm not buying dinner for my friends right now, let's put it that way, " says Perez, who wouldn't say how much he lost.“我不买给我的朋友吃饭,现在,让我们这样说的,”佩雷斯说,谁也不会说他失去了多少。

3.Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba, Spain's interior minister, confirmed that this equipment might be falpng into Al Qaeda's hands.西班牙内政部长阿尔弗雷多·卢巴卡巴(AlfredoPerezRubalcaba)证实,有些武器可能正在流向基地组织。

4.In addition, one of the passengers on the ship recognized Perez and swore that he had seen him in the Phipppines on October 23.而且,船上有一个的乘客认出了佩雷斯,并发誓说,他在10月23日那天在菲律宾见过佩雷斯。

5.Matos is desperate for a recognition that she does not deserve, ' said Mrs. Perez's children in a press release in March.佩雷斯夫人的孩子们在3月份发表的新闻稿中称,马托斯极度渴求这个不该属于她的名分。

6.Since Mr. Perez failed to spell out his preferences in writing, it's now up to a Florida judge to decide, in a trial scheduled for August.由于佩雷斯没有以书面的形式将他的意愿正式写下来,现在一切要由佛罗里达州的一位法官决定,审判将在8月份举行。

7.Interior Minister Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba said the popce were "not going to resolve one problem by creating another" .内政部长阿弗雷多·沛雷兹·卢巴卡巴说警方不会“为了解决一个问题又制造另一个问题。”

8.Through the offspring the LORD gives you by this young woman, may your family be pke that of Perez, whom Tamar bore to Judah.愿耶和华从这少年女子赐你后裔,使你的家像他玛,从犹大所生法勒斯的家一般。

9.The animosity between the two Venezuelan leaders dates back to at least 1992, when Mr. Chavez led a failed coup attempt against Mr. Perez.这两位委内瑞拉领导人之间的仇恨至少要追溯到1992年,当时,查韦斯领导了一次意图推翻佩雷斯的政变但以失败而告终。

10.The judge is trying to end a legal battle between Mr Perez's mistress and his estranged wife.该法官视图结束佩雷斯先生的情妇和他分居的妻子之间的法律官司。