




1.完美答案到好的解决(good solution),女性则是希望得到完美答案(perfect answer),因为女性买东西会考虑很多,譬如搭配、使用场合 …

3.完美抉择 patient answer 耐心的回答 perfect answer 完善的答案 persuasive answer 有说服力的答案 ...

5.回答正确. ... You're perfect! 你真棒! Perfect answer! 回答正确! His Engpsh is perfect. 他英语很纯熟. ...

6.完美的解答 就算你会有 even u have the 完美的解答 perfect answer 天都快亮了 days,almost bright ...

7.最完美的答案 ... 5.坚持 Insist 2.最完美的答案 Perfect Answer 3.战火 Flames Of War ...


1.I thought it was the perfect answer. Also, Tony and I had never done a historical subject.我认为它是完美的答案。而且,托尼和我从没有作过历史科目。

2.Perfect answer, absolutely perfect. Now you know what I mean by Zen.他说“完美答案,绝对完美。现在你知道我所谓的禅。”

3.Now she's got a problem: if the slacks don't meet all the criteria she's raised, they're obviously not the Perfect Answer.现在她又发现一个问题了:如果这条便裤不能够达到她所提出的所有要求,它们明显不是她所要的标准答案。

4.so people would learn how to read maps better. -Yay! I've gotta tell you, that was the perfect answer!这样人们就会了解如何更好地阅读地图。-耶!我应该告诉你,这是一个完美的回答!

5.The marriage headhunting relys on their professional experience and a high standard service concept to give the marriage a perfect answer.婚姻猎头依靠自己专业性的经验和高水准的服务理念为单身人士量身打造,让人生中的婚姻大事拥有一个完美的答复。

6.I have learned the waiting, looking for one to understand, pursues the perfect answer forever.我学会了等待,找一个明白,永远追求完美的答案。

7.He suggested that you? d better ask a professional for solution if you expect a perfect answer.他建议,要是你想要一个完美的答案的话,你最好向专家寻求解决方法。

8.parents. Parents are important to all of us. They give us pves. They up bring us. But I don't think it's a perfect answer.父母对我们每个人来说都很重要,他们给了我们生命,把我们养育大,但我觉得这并不是一个完美的回答。

9.Alas, there is no perfect answer to that question.唉,这个问题没有完美答案。

10.are incredibly powerful, but if you agonize over getting the perfect answer, you won't get very far.但如果你为求得完美的答案而苦恼不堪,那你不会有多大的成就。