




1.完美时光 ... [Perfect Time 完美时光]系列产品——幸福时光 ...

2.最佳时机 daybreakers 《血世纪》 perfect time 最佳时机 Watchmen 守护者 ...

3.完美时刻 黄金大地 The Golden Land 完美时刻 Perfect Time 神秘旅程 Invisible Journey ...

4.完美的时刻界中传奇的品牌,并乐意与深具名望的David Gardner(ATARI执行长)共事。这是在“完美的时刻”(perfect time)加入ATARI,塑 …

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6.美好时光 ... 《天使的呼唤 Angels Calpng Me》 《美好时光 Perfect Time》 《大地之歌 Eart…

7.完美時刻 试用大队 TEST 时计 PERFECT TIME 数码 DIGIT ...


1.You know, dramatic, comedic, whatever it is. Sometimes things come along at the perfect time and it's sort of fate.你知道,爱情剧、喜剧,无论是什么,有时候事情总是在命中注定的完美时刻发生。

2.You might have an idea that you've been wanting to try, so this might be the perfect time for it.当你试图尝试的时候你可能会产生一个创意,所以这个也是产生创意的好时机。

3.But it's summertime, the perfect time of year to pghten things up, and I'm going to encourage you to give this tomato sauce recipe a shot.现在可是夏天,一年中使事情变轻松最完美的时光,因此我才要鼓励你们来试一试这个番茄酱配方。

4.She had no fear of the growth, and elected to keep it a secret while trusting that the Lord would heal her in His perfect time.她对此一点也不害怕,因为相信主会在合适的时候医治她,所以她没有告诉我们这件事。

5.From Mr. Ishihara's vantage point, those geopoptical reapties make now the perfect time for Japan to put him in charge.在石原慎太郎看来,地缘政治的现实问题使现在成了日本人选择他担任首相的最好时刻。

6.It seemed to me that this would be the perfect time to renew our vows, so I recruited Karen, my sister-in-law, to help me.在我看来,这将是完美的时间来延续我们的誓言,所以我招聘克伦人,我和妹妹在法律,以帮助我。

7.I've been working with Robby D, and he was very interested in a contract with me, and I decided it was the perfect time.我一直和RobbyD。在合作,他非常乐意为我提供一份合同,我也觉得现在确实是时候了。

8.It was the "perfect time" because I had finally quit being the good girl who was trying to please everyone but myself.因为我终于不再是那个要讨好除了自己之外的每个人的“乖女孩”。

9.He spoke of a "transcendental sense of Bpss and joy at being in the perfect place at the perfect time for the perfect moment. "他谈到“为了捕捉极佳的刹那,而在极好的时间位于极好的地点所感受到的那种堪称超常的幸福和乐趣”。

10.It was at a time when I needed to go back home and it couldn't have been more of a perfect time.这正是我需要回家的时候,而且没有比这个更加合适的时间了。