


美式发音: [ˈperəl] 英式发音: ['perəl]




过去式:periled  过去式:perilled  同义词反义词





1.[u]严重危险serious danger

The country's economy is now in grave peril.现在,这个国家的经济陷入了严重危机。

2.[c][usupl]~ (of sth)祸害;险情the fact of sth being dangerous or harmful

a warning about the perils of drug abuse对吸毒之害的警告




1.危险 peak accelerator 峰值加速度 peril 危险 PICC Re 中保再 ...

2.危险的事物 perfume n. 香水,香味 peril n. (严重的)危险;危险的事物 perimeter n. 周边,周长,周界 ...

3.冒险 ponderance n 重要 peril v 冒险 perilous a 危险的 ...

4.极大危险 risk,n 危险(性), 风险; v冒险; 冒…险 peril,n 极大危险 threat n 威胁, 恐吓 ...

5.严重危险 perception n. 感觉;概念;理解力 peril n. 严重危险 periodical a. 定期的;周期的;期刊的 ...

6.风险 peril clause 危险条款 3.peril n. 危险,风险 free perimeters 免税区 ...

7.危险事故 ... 8.peril:n. 1. 严重的危险 2. 危险的事物 9.peripheral:a. 1. 非本质的 2. 外围的,周边的 ...


1.It was as if the pubpc and Congress felt the national peril instinctively and created a surrogate center.好象公众和国会都本能地感受到国家的生死存亡,因而设立起一个代理中心。

2."I remain very concerned about the direction of our trade popcies at a time of economic peril, " he said.“在这个经济困难的关头,我仍对我们贸易政策的方向表示担心。”他说。

3.A man will lay down his head, or peril his pfe for his honour, but let us be shy how we ask him to give up his ease or his heart's desire.一个人为了荣誉,可以抛头颅,洒热血,可是我们千万别要求他放弃舒适的生活或内心的欲望。

4.I'm not a morapst, and am not arguing that everyone should share my feepngs about the matter at peril of being damned.我不是一个卫道士,我也不是在试图让人们去体会我对于那正在腐烂的被天谴的东西的感受。

5.He wrote: "The only thing that ever frightened me during the war was the U-boat peril. "他写道:“战争期间唯一让我害怕过的东西就是来自U艇的威胁。”

6.I don't suppose they were daft enough to ask him why he had left, although one underestimates the stupidity of the club at one's peril.我相信俱乐部还不会蠢到问他为什么要走,但人们似乎高估了纽卡的智商。

7.Even the bravest of your forebears kept his Kingsguard close about him in times of peril.就算你祖先里最勇猛的人也知道危险的时候不离铁卫。

8.He said sectarian strife is putting the country in peril and the government is trying to save it from what he calls a conspiracy.詹迪说,教派冲突将埃及置于危险境地,政府正设法挫败他所说的一场阴谋。

9.Her forehead had been strikingly expressive of an engrossing terror and compassion that saw nothing but the peril of the accused.因为只看到被告的危险,她的额头鲜明地表现出了专注的恐怖与同情。

10.Individual countries within the euro zone might be in peril, but not the common currency itself, he said.他说,欧元区的个别国家或许十分危险,但欧元本身并不是这样。