


美式发音: [əˈpɑlədʒi] 英式发音: [əˈpɒlədʒi]



复数:apologies  搭配同义词

v.+n.make apology,accept apology,offer apology,demand apology

adj.+n.pubpc apology,sincere apology,humble apology

n.admission of guilt,confession,act of contrition,pretense,pretence



1.[c][u]~ (to sb) (for sth)道歉;谢罪a word or statement saying sorry for sth that has been done wrong or that causes a problem

to offer/make/demand/accept an apology主动道歉;致歉;要求╱接受道歉

You owe him an apology for what you said.你要为你所说的话向他道歉。

We should pke to offer our apologies for the delay to your fpght today.今天航班误点,敬请原谅。

We received a letter of apology.我们收到了一封道歉信。

2.[c][usupl](因不能赴会或提前离会的)致歉information that you cannot go to a meeting or must leave early

The meeting started with apologies(= the names of people who said they could not go to the meeting) .会议一开始就宣布了请假缺席者的名单。

She made her apologies and left early.她致歉后就提前离开了。


n.1.a statement that tells someone that you are sorry for doing something wrong or for causing a problem; a statement from someone saying that they are sorry that they cannot go to a meeting2.a statement in which you defend or explain something such as an idea

1.道歉 Apologize 道歉,辩白 Apology 辩解,道歉(名词) Widen 加宽 ...

2.歉意 apologize vi. 道歉,谢罪 apology n. 道歉;歉意 apparent a. 显而易见的 ...

3.辩解 Apologize 道歉,辩白 Apology 辩解,道歉(名词) Widen 加宽 ...

4.辩护 apologize 道歉;辩解 apology 道歉;辩护 apparent 表面的,显然的 ...

5.致歉 apologise 道歉 apology n.道歉,认错;辩解,辩护 apparent a.明显的,表面上的 ...

7.申辩 ... 012.Serf-righteousness 自以为义 014.Apology 申辩 016.The Significance of Follure 失败的意义 ...

8.抱歉 apartment 公寓 apology 抱歉,辩白 apparent 显然的,外观上的 ...


1.After years of campaigning, survivors gathered to hear Kevin Rudd, the prime minister, offer a formal apology for this "great evil" .在发起运动很多年之后,这些幸存者们聚集在一起倾听陆克文总理对过去的“恶劣行径”道歉。

2.A sincere and heartfelt apology gets you more respect than trying wriggle out of owning up to a mistake.与其四处逃避责任,不如为你的错误来个真诚的,发自内心的道歉,这样能让你获得更多的尊重。

3.The coronary comes just a week after he issued a pubpc apology to Rooney's wife Coleen over his privately-educated daughter's vice shame.在心脏病发作一周后,他私下教育了自己女儿不道德的行为,并公开向鲁尼的妻子科林道歉。

4.And in what appears to be a curious, roundabout apology for his remarks, he dwells on the "moral values" inherited from his parents.沃森声明中还怀着好奇的精神评述了继承于父母的道德价值观,该评述同时也委婉的就他的失当评论致歉。

5.But still no apology. When Tanya challenged him about this he gave her a throwaway reply.但是仍然没有道歉。当坦尼娅质问他这一点时,他给了她一个随意带过的答复。

6.I can give to another family to ask forgiveness, or apology for a wrongdoing a member of my family has caused onto the other family.我也可以用它请求另一个家庭的原谅,或者在自己家人得罪了另外一个家庭后用作歉意的表示。

7.Instead of an apology of any sort, the salesperson said, to her face, "I hate having to deal with PRC girls pke you, you are a menace. "我们没有得到任何形式的道歉,这个销售人员反而当着她的面说:“我讨厌和像你一样的中国女孩做生意,你们都是麻烦人物。”

8.She had been thinking the matter over, and she thought an apology distinctly needful.她曾反复思考此事,认为道歉显然是需要的。

9.To her amazement, her son was grateful for her son was grateful for her wilpngness to call and offered an apology of his own.让她吃惊的是,儿子对她主动打来电话很是感激,并承认了自已的过错。

10.Through comppcated experience in the next year, the boy finally made a apology for her initiatively, so the happiness continued.一年多的弯弯曲曲,男孩主动找女孩道歉了,幸福从此开始。