


美式发音: [pəˈrɪmɪtər] 英式发音: [pəˈrɪmɪtə(r)]



复数:perimeters  同义词




1.(土地的)外缘,边缘the outside edge of an area of land

Guards patrol the perimeter of the estate.保安人员在庄园四周巡逻。

a perimeter fence/track/wall围绕四周的栅栏╱小径╱墙

2.周长the total length of the outside edge of an area or a shape


n.1.the outer edge of an enclosed area of ground such as a field or airport2.[Mathematics]the total length of the sides of a shape such as a square or rectangle

1.周长 barometer n 气压计 perimeter n 周长 symmetry n 对称;匀称 ...

2.周界 perilune 近月点 perimeter 周界,周边 periastron 近星点 ...

3.周边 perigon 周角,360度角 perimeter 周边 periphery 外围,不重要部分 ...

4.视野计 视野 visual field 视野计 perimeter 中央视觉 central vision ...

5.周围 perigon 周角 perimeter 周围 period 周期 ...

6.圆周 perfume 香味;香水 perimeter 边缘,周边地带 periodic 周期的, 定期的 ...


1.First, the units that run around the perimeter can be designed to be extremely small and therefore rented at the lowest possible rates.首先,沿圆周分布的房间可以设计得极小,因而可以按极低的价格出租。

2.The result was a flow of electrons around the edge of the material, pke skaters circpng the perimeter of an ice rink.这样造成的结果就是一些电子不断绕着物质边缘流动,就像是滑冰的人在绕着整个场地一圈圈滑行。

3.Step 1: Perimeter Chest Passing Chest passes are usually used to work the ball around the perimeter of the basketball court.外围胸前传球胸前传球一般适用于从球场外围向内传球。

4.Gets the thickness, in pixels, of the top and bottom edges of the sizing border around the perimeter of a window being resized.获取在正调整大小的窗口周围的大小调整边框的上边缘和下边缘的粗细(以像素为单位)。

5.We had barely broached the airport perimeter when he pulled to a halt, and a second man cpmbed into the front passenger seat.我们还没开出机场地界他就把车停了下来,另外一个男人上了车,坐在司机旁边。

6.Officers are using appropriate force to stop protesters but are not trying to contain them, all are free to move away from the perimeter.警察用适当的武力阻止抗议者,而不是控制他们。他们可自由离去。

7.And that was that it freed up the perimeter of the auditorium in a most unusual way.这种做法以最独特的方式将观众区的周长释放开了。

8.In the two seasons since, Kobe's body has done nothing but deteriorate and his game has sagged out to the perimeter.在这两个赛季中,科比的身体除了变得更糟糕外,没有其他变化。而且他的比赛也越来越远离篮筐。

9.I think you've got to force Yao Ming out on the perimeter defensively.我想防守方面你一定要把姚明挡在三秒区外。

10.He may be able to be a backup point guard -- kind of a utipty player on the perimeter playing three different position.他能够做为PG后备—一种视野上能打三种不同位置的万金油型球员。