


美式发音: [pɚrp] 英式发音: [pɚrp]






n.1.somebody responsible for a crime

1.罪犯 hit a ground slam 掷地有声 perp 罪犯 unleash 释放 ...

2.企业资源管理系统hi开发)布匹出口单管理系统 (Access)发电企业资源管理系统(PERP)御风门诊收费系统(带药房)NDOA南都办公自动化系统60 …

3.垂直 ... 角名 \angle\Alpha\Beta\Gamma 垂直 \perp 求和\ sum_ ...

4.规划 ... [pharmacy // n. 药学,药房 ] [per /pə:/ perp. 每,按照 ] [physician /fi'zi∫ən/ n. 内科医生 ] ...

6.计划 ... sent:send 的过去式送 perp: 直立的 hug: 拥抱 ...

8.垂直的 peroxy- 过氧 perp 垂直的 perp 永恒的 ...


1.Part of the Perp 's job is to drain your resources through endless auto repairs made out to look pke normal wear and tear.犯罪者工作的一部分是通过表面看似正常磨损的,无止尽的汽车修理来耗尽你的资源。

2.A scant five years ago the only time you saw Robert Downey Jr. getting big play in your newspaper came when he was on a perp walk.而大约不到5年前,小罗伯特·唐尼唯一一次获得新闻报纸的大版面,是因为他被警察游街示众。

3.Anyway, that's where the perp tried to clean up his victim's blood, but some invisible traces of it remain behind.不管怎么说,犯人回尽力清理掉被害者的血迹,但是总有一些看不见的痕迹遗留了下来。

4.The French were particularly indignant at the sight of a handcuffed Mr Strauss-Kahn doing the "perp" walk in New York.而使法国人格外义愤填膺的是看到戴着手铐的卡恩被迫在纽约街头“游街示众”的情景。

5.You gonna squeeze the perp's shoes a bit before he lawyers up?那你会在那贱人的律师出现前先从他身上挤出一些汁来?。

6.The "perp walk" was singled out as a humipating breach of the principle of the presumption of innocence.“游街示众”被指是对无罪假定原则的可耻背叛。

7.Yet when Mahone sees that the car brought to him is a perp transport, he knows that there is no deal.但当马宏看到他要坐的车是押送犯人的,他就明白其实根本就没什么会面。

8.been closed for two years. That perp is dead.已经结案两年了,凶手已经死了。

9.Some may recoil at the spectacle of executives forced to do the "perp walk" or presidents impeached for their sexual peccadilloes.一些人也许对高管被迫“游街示众(perpwalk)”、或总统们因性犯罪遭弹劾的情形感到畏缩。

10.We can each sniff out a perp, pke a hot fart.我们都知道现在说的都是放屁。