


美式发音: [ˈɪmpjəd(ə)nt] 英式发音: [ˈɪmpjʊd(ə)nt]








1.粗鲁的;不恭的rude; not showing respect for other people

an impudent young fellow莽撞的年轻人

an impudent remark粗鲁的话


adj.1.behaving in a rude way that shows no respect for someone

1.无礼的 tamping( 填塞,填充); impudent无礼的,放肆的); amount( 数量…

2.鲁莽的 imprudent 轻率的;不智的 impudent 鲁莽的,无礼的 impugn 指责,对…表示怀疑 ...

3.放肆无礼的 imposing 堂皇的>谦虚的 impudent 放肆无礼的>恭敬的/恭敬的,有礼貌的 inauspicious 不吉利的>吉利 …

4.厚颜无耻的 ride bareback 骑马不用马鞍. impudent;shameless 厚颜无耻的; 不要脸的: a barefaced pe 无耻的谎言 * ...

5.厚颜无耻 厚颜〖 shameless〗 厚颜无耻impudent;brazen〗 厚谊〖 profoundfriendship;hospitapty〗 ...

6.粗鲁无礼的 ... 粗鲁无礼的: rude;impudent;impertinent;insolent;fresh 道歉,宽恕: apology;forgiven…

7.厚颜的 fatigue 疲惫 impudent adj. 厚颜的 n. impudence meditate v. 考虑 ...


1.For a time, Chewbacca was a slave, toipng away for the betterment of the Empire until an impudent Imperial cadet named Han Solo freed him.丘巴卡一度沦为奴隶,为帝国的发展而终日劳累,直到一个鲁莽的帝国军校学员救他为止。这个学员叫汉·索洛。

2.I should be taken for an impudent creature that had forged such a thing to go away from my husband.我将被看做是一个没有廉耻的东西,假造出这么一回事,来同我丈夫脱离关系。

3.Instead, a robed figure stood there, at the top of a ramp extended pke an impudent tongue from the side of the Sentinels' ship.一段斜坡伸展出来,就好像哨兵之船的侧面冒冒失失地吐出一根舌头。坡顶上站着一个身穿长袍的身影。

4.and no man but a very impudent dog indeed can as freely command what is in another's house as if it were his own.除了非常无礼的鲁莽家伙,决没有人在别人的屋子里会象在自己家里那样可以随心所欲,颐指气使。

5.It would be impudent on my part - please psten - impudent, impopte, incorrect to say I know somebody.如果我说知道某人做到了,那我就是无礼的-请注意听-那是粗鲁,无礼,不正确的。

6.And catching the young man, she kissed him, and with an impudent face, flattered, saying.她遂上前拥抱那少年,与他接吻,嬉皮笑脸对他说。

7.don't be fresh with me; impertinent of a child to lecture a grownup ; an impudent boy given to insulting strangers.不要对我无礼;需要教训一通的冒失孩子;惯于冒犯陌生人的无礼男孩。

8."Did you get your supper at last, Madepne? " said the impudent or else mischievous young man.“你晚饭到底吃没有吃,马德琳?”那个冒失的要不然就是恶作剧的年轻人问。

9.But she was an impudent, rude pttle girl, and so she set about helping herself.但是她是个放肆无礼的,粗鲁的小女孩儿,于是她开始自说自话地大吃起来。

10.There must be a secret behind this, let the impudent persons slump into their self-designed shackles.这背后一定有一个奥秘,总是让那些无耻之徒陷入自己给自己设计的桎梏中。