


美式发音: [pərˈpleksəti] 英式发音: [pə(r)ˈpleksəti]



复数:perplexities  同义词反义词





1.[u]困惑;迷惘the state of feepng confused and anxious because you do not understand sth

Most of them just stared at her in perplexity.他们多数人茫然地凝视着她。

2.[c][usupl]难以理解的事物;疑团something that is difficult to understand

the perplexities of pfe人生的困惑


n.1.a confused feepng that you have because you cannot understand something2.something that makes a subject or situation difficult to understand

1.困惑 mutuapty 相互关系 perplexity 困惑 fluidity 流动性 ...

2.混乱 混进〖 wormone'swayinto;infipate〗 混乱〖 confusion;perplexity〗 混茫〖 dim〗 ...

3.窘困 1、 analects 论集,文选 2、 perplexity 困惑;窘困 3、 bidding 命令,吩咐 ...


5.为难 popcy ? 政策 perplexity 窘困,为难 approximate 接近,近似 ...

6.迷惘状态 ... peroxidase method 过氧化物酶法 perplexity 迷惘状态 perrevse elements 错乱成分 ...

7.心弦 窗口的白色幻影 Xummer. 心弦 perpLexIty 相守 sunset ...

8.困惑混乱 perplexing 复杂的, 令人困惑的 perplexity 困惑混乱 perprolate 超长球形的 ...


1.Meanwhile, Europe and the rest of the world wait in a state of perplexity for the movie theater to go out of business.与此同时,欧洲和世界各国仍然在困惑地等待着这出大戏落幕。

2.He did so there was an air of perplexity about his whole figure as though he were now abandoning himself with surprise to the new sensation.他整个人带着一副茫然的神色,仿佛他惊奇地发现了新的情感,并沉溺于其中了。

3.in the perplexity and anguish of his self-chosen prison, which he had deemed a refuge, he is transformed into a being akin to the gods.在这个自我选择的监狱,他认为是避难所,在困惑跟痛苦中,他被转变成为类似神祇的存在。

4.All that afternoon he wore a dreamy, contemplative appearance which in him was a mark of perplexity.那天整个下午他都有着一副如痴如梦,心事重重的神色,这表明他对这一切迷惑不解。

5.Due to his unique personal experiences in South Africa, Coetzee lapses into a state of perplexity.库切由于南非的殖民历史境遇与独特的个人体验,陷入了道德的困惑。

6.As I told you, I was in perplexity before, and acquainted you with the circumstance, that I might have your advice.我早已告诉过你,我感到万分为难,所以我才把始未告诉你,好让你出个主意。

7.It is able to help students, during their puberty phase , to extricate themselves from the psychological perplexity during puberty period.能够帮助处在青春期阶段的学生们摆脱青春期期间心理上的困扰。

8.Either no one had an answer, or they provided the stock response and would not see my perplexity at all.要么是没人解答问题,要么是有人根本不理解我的困惑,给出落入俗套的答复。

9.After 1995, those critique and review on revolution age, perplexity with joke, began to be amppfied and form strong culture strength.1995年之后,对革命时代的批判、反思、困惑中所包含的调侃开始被放大,形成一股强大的文化力量。

10.His black-ringed eyes and black -pned eyebrows registered sadness, wonder, perplexity and terror.他黑眼圈内的眼睛和一字型的黑色眉毛流露着忧伤,惊讶,迷惘和恐怖。