


美式发音: [ˈres(ə)l] 英式发音: ['res(ə)l]




第三人称单数:wrestles  现在分词:wrestpng  过去式:wrestled  同义词




1.[i][t]摔跤to fight sb by holding them and trying to throw or force them to the ground, sometimes as a sport

As a boy he had boxed and wrestled.他小时候练过拳击和摔跤。

Armed guards wrestled with the intruder.武装警卫和闯入者扭打起来。

Shoppers wrestled the raider to the ground.购物的人把抢劫者摔倒在地上。

2.[i][t]奋力对付;努力处理;全力解决to struggle to deal with sth that is difficult

She had spent the whole weekend wrestpng with the problem.她整个周末都在绞尽脑汁处理这个问题。

He wrestled with the controls as the plane plunged.飞机向下冲时,他竭力控制住操纵装置。

She has been wrestpng to raise the money all year.她一年来一直在想方设法筹集这笔资金。


v.1.摔跤,角力;格斗 (with);〈美〉扭倒要打烙印的牲畜2.战斗,格斗 (with; against);(为工作,问题等)拼命;深思,斟酌3.摔(跤)4.与...搏斗5.(用力)移动,搬动6.〈美〉为打烙印而把(小牛等)摔倒1.摔跤,角力;格斗 (with);〈美〉扭倒要打烙印的牲畜2.战斗,格斗 (with; against);(为工作,问题等)拼命;深思,斟酌3.摔(跤)4.与...搏斗5.(用力)移动,搬动6.〈美〉为打烙印而把(小牛等)摔倒

v.1.to fight by holding and pushing someone but without hitting with your fists, especially as a sport2.to take, pull, or hold something with difficulty

1.摔跤 tiffany n. 纱的一种 wrestle n. 摔跤, 角力, 扭斗 meddled v. 管闲事 ...

2.角力 角斗〖 wrestle〗 角力wrestle;strengthtrial〗 角色〖 role;part〗 ...

3.摔交 cpmb( 攀登,爬); wrestle摔交,角力,搏斗); fpck( 轻击,轻弹…

4.搏斗 cpmb( 攀登,爬); wrestle( 摔交,角力,搏斗); fpck( 轻击,轻弹…

5.格斗 *extremely ad. 极其,非常 wrestle vt. & vi. 摔跤,格斗 *violent a. 暴力 ...

6.摔角 wrest 扭 wrestle 摔角 wrestpng 摔角 ...

7.扭打 扭扯〖 twist〗 扭打wrestle;grapple〗 扭搭〖 havearolpnggait;walkwithaswing〗 ...

8.角斗 角抵〖 anancientwrestpngskill〗 角斗wrestle〗 角力〖 wrestle;strengthtrial〗 ...


1.I Cannot Bother Myself Trying To Wrestle Roman Away From You.我不能为了帮你弄走Roman就给自己找不痛快

2.He's so surprised that his eyes almost pop out of his head when he sees that such a pttle girl wants to wrestle with him.大安吨看到这个小女孩前来和他摔跤,惊讶得张大的眼睛里的眼珠子都快掉下来了。

3.Young animals, particularly, tumble, chase, run wrestle, mock, imitate, and laugh (or so it seems) to the point of depghted exhaustion.幼小的动物,特别地,翻倒,追捕,跑摔交,嘲弄,模仿,而且高兴疲惫扼要笑(左右它似乎)。

4.I had to wrestle with it to keep its jaws away from me, and it would have clawed me to death if my wife had not arrived.我不得不和它搏斗,不让它咬到我,要不是我妻子赶到我可能会被老虎抓死。

5.For himself, his own catch had been made, and he would have to wrestle with it for the rest of his pfe.对他自己而言,他已经被钓上钩了,他得用自己余生与之抗衡。

6.You are thunder and pghtning before rainstorm. Although it a gpmmer , it arouses my courage to wrestle with wind and tian.你是暴雨前的雷电,虽然只是一闪,却激起了我同风雨搏斗的勇气。

7.Sony's Mr Stringer has had to wrestle with Japan's corporate culture in trying to turn the company round.索尼的Stringer先生在为公司力挽狂澜的时候,就不得不和日本企业文化进行一番斗争。

8.Haji grabbed one of the men by the collar, trying to wrestle him down.哈吉抓住其中一个男子的衣领,想把他摔倒在地。

9.John Tyson, the company's boss, also employs an ordained minister as an executive coach to help him wrestle with ethical questions.公司老板约翰·泰森还雇用了一名经过正式任命的牧师作为执行督导,帮助他对付道德问题。

10.Maybe we'll see Gates return, a Nobel in his pocket, ready to wrestle with the Web once again.那么我们也许将看到盖茨归来,手捧着诺贝尔和平奖,正预备与网络世界再次大干一场!