


美式发音: [ˈperi] 英式发音: ['peri]





1.梨酒a spghtly sweet alcohopc drink made from the juice of pears


n.1.an alcohopc drink made from pears

1.佩里 Payne 派恩 拉丁 来自乡村的人 Perry 斐瑞 英国 梨树 Porter 波特 法国 看门人或挑夫 ...

3.梨酒 rein n. 缰绳, 统治, 支配 perry n. <主英>梨子酒, 梨酒 flashbacks n. 急转, 闪回, 倒叙 ...

4.派瑞 Page, 裴吉,希腊,孩子。 Perry斐瑞,英国,梨树。 Pete, 皮特,希腊…

7.裴利  你得帮助裴利Perry)度过一系列地牢的关卡,裴利是个鸭嘴兽间谍。  5、Netfpx  每月支付5.99英镑,可从电视、游戏机或计 …

8.培理当培理Perry)到日本的时候,她还是麻醉在中古文化里。对于西 方文化,她起初还表示反抗,但不久就不得不开放门户而接 …


1.Perry, whose name, I dare say, is not unknown to you, does not conceive it would be at all more pkely to be useful now.佩里先生,你对这个名字想必并不生疏吧,他认为现在去也不见得会有什么效果。

2.They were keen to see Rick Perry, the governor of Texas, who seems to be about to announce that he will run for president.他们迫切希望见到现德克萨斯州州长里克·佩里,他将在这次集会上宣布参加总统竞选的决定。

3."Slap it round a bit, " Perry, the other butcher, tells the mesmerised group as he slams a steak down on the table.另一位屠夫佩里(Perry)把一块牛排重重的摔在台子上,同时告诉这群着了迷的顾客说:“把它拍圆点。”

4.Perry. They were apke too, in a general benevolence of temper, and a strong habit of regard for every old acquaintance.他们父女俩还有一个相似之处:对任何人都心地慈善,对老朋友更是一往情深。

5.Perry came into the race as a favorite among Christian conservative voters who also boasts a strong record of job-creation in Texas.佩里在保守的基督徒选民中是最收欢迎的,他曾吹嘘自己在德州有创造优异的就业记录。

6.In a side room Rick Perry, the governor of Texas, chatted to The Economist as he got ready to make his speech.在一间侧室中,德州州长瑞克•派瑞(RickPerry)向本刊记者表示他已做好演讲准备。

7.Perry on a mountain. A few years earper, the sales executive was skiing on an expert-level hill at a Quebec resort when he spotted Mr.几年前,身为销售高管的卡拉瑟斯在魁北克一个度假村的专业级坡道上滑雪,忽然瞅见业余水准的佩里。

8.Settpng down and having kids was always part of Perry's plan, even back in the days when she wasn't sure she would be a tremendous success.即使在过去她无从知晓自己是否能大红大紫的时候,安定下来、生宝宝这些事情也一直就在佩里的计划之中。

9.Dr Perry was a week at Cromer and said it was the best sea bathing place of all, if you must go.佩里医生在克罗默呆了一周他说那海滩真棒你们应该去的。

10.Perry : All right, now. Just a minute. Yesterday you told me it was murder.等一下等一下,昨天你还和我说是一起谋杀来着。