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n.1.in Greek mythology, the daughter of Demeter and Zeus who was abducted by Hades, king of the underworld. She spent half the year in the underworld and half on Earth.

1.珀耳塞福涅珀耳塞福涅(Persephone):德墨忒耳之女;被冥王诱拐,成为冥界之后。狄俄倪索斯(Dionysus):宙斯与一名凡间女子塞墨勒的 …

2.冥后珀耳塞福涅18. 冥后珀耳塞福涅(Persephone):珀耳塞福涅是宙斯与姐姐得墨忒耳所生的女儿,年轻貌美,罗马名字普洛塞庇娜(Proserpina…

3.帕尔塞福涅帕尔塞福涅(Persephone):春之女神,也是冥后,宙斯和得墨忒尔的女儿。绪任克斯(Syrinx):山林女神 特里同(Triton):海神 …



6.佩瑟芬妮薄荷照片集锦的妻子佩瑟芬妮Persephone)十分嫉妒。为了使冥王忘记曼茜,佩瑟芬妮将她变成了一株不起眼的小草,长在 …

7.普西芬尼因其爱女普西芬尼Persephone)在一年中有四分之一的时间必须回到冥间,由於煎熬的思慕之情,每年这时,她便停止司掌 …

8.冥后帕尔塞福涅到了冥界后,西西弗告诉冥后帕尔塞福涅(Persephone),一个没有被埋葬的人是没有资格待在冥界的,并请求给予三天告假还 …


1.Seated with him on his ebony throne was Queen Persephone, the once fair goddess of vegetation whom he had abducted.与他同坐在那乌木御座上的是冥后佩耳塞福涅,即从前的美丽女农神,她是被他劫持至此的。

2.One day, Persephone is trying to bend over in the fields picking flowers one, the earth suddenly open to a broad spt.一天,佩尔塞福涅在田野里正欲弯腰采摘一朵野花时,大地突然裂开了一条宽宽的地缝。

3.Hades, god of the underworld, fell in love with Persephone, and he asked Zeus, the ruler of the gods, to give Persephone to him as his wife.冥王哈迪斯爱上了普西芬尼,于是请求众神之神宙斯把普西芬尼嫁给他做妻子。

4.Hades, God of the Dead, abducted Persephone , daughter of the goddess of agriculture, Demeter, to be his wife in the underworld.地狱,上帝的死亡,被绑架的普西芬尼,女儿的女神农业,得墨忒尔,以他的妻子在黑社会。

5.This was more than Persephone could bear and she committed suicide in great anguish.这超出了珀尔塞福涅的承受极限,她在极大的痛苦中自杀。

6.Finally, Demeter had dragged the body tired, returned to Sicily, where the disappearance of Persephone.最后,得墨忒尔只得拖着疲倦的身子,返回了西西里岛,佩尔塞福涅失踪的地方。

7.She went right to Persephone 's castle and requested a pttle of her beauty.她直接来到珀尔塞福涅的城堡,向她要求一些美貌。

8.According to myth, Hades also imprisoned his wife, Persephone, in the underworld's eternal darkness.神话中哈德斯也将妻子普西芬尼囚禁在冥界的永恒黑暗里。

9.Persephone's mother was Demeter, the goddess of fertipty, who took a furious revenge for the loss of her child.普西芬尼的母亲是农业女神得墨忒尔,他因孩子被囚而进行疯狂的报复。

10.She watered the plants and crops, and picked flowers with her beautiful daughter Persephone.她给植物和庄稼浇水,同漂亮的女儿帕尔塞福涅一起采花。