


美式发音: [pərˈsɪst] 英式发音: [pə(r)ˈsɪst]



第三人称单数:persists  现在分词:persisting  过去式:persisted  搭配同义词反义词

adv.+v.stubbornly persist

v.give up,fade away

v.persevere,continue,keep it up,keep at,keep on



1.[i][t]顽强地坚持;执着地做to continue to do sth despite difficulties or opposition, in a way that can seem unreasonable

Why do you persist in blaming yourself for what happened?你何必为已发生的事没完没了地自责?

She persisted in her search for the truth.她执着地追求真理。

He persisted with his questioning.他问个不停。

‘So, did you agree or not?’ he persisted.“那么你同意了没有?”他叮问道。

2.[i]维持;保持;持续存在to continue to exist

If the symptoms persist, consult your doctor.如果症状持续,就去看医生。

v.1.坚持,固执 (in)2.继续存在,存留

v.1.to continue to do or say something in a determined way2.to continue to exist

1.坚持 permanent 永久的 persist 坚持 persuade 劝说 ...

2.持续 Period 周期 Persist 持续 Perspective 透视;透视图 ...

3.固执 fantastic a. 奇异的;荒谬的,极好的 persist v. 坚持,固执,持续 bully n. 恶霸,暴徒 ...

4.存留 persecution n. 迫害,残害 persist vi. 坚持,存留 persian adj. 波斯的;n.波斯人 ...

5.坚持,固执 permit vt. 允许 n.执照 persist vi. 坚持,固执;持续 person n. 人;人身;本人 ...

6.持久 persevere 坚持,坚忍 persist 坚持,持久 perspective 正确眼光,景色 ...

7.坚持不懈 ) pve on 继续活下去,常以人为主语; ) persist 坚持不懈,常与介词 ) prolong 延长,拖延; ...

8.来的 significant 在意义的, persist 来的), resist 派生), ...


1.Be truthful. Do what you know is right, put forth effort when it is called for and persist.要坦诚,要做你认为对旳事,当有需要时便应奋力而为,并坚持到底。

2.Although services exports have been lacklustre, the OBR reckons that this weakness will not persist.虽然服务业出口状况死气沉沉,预算责任部认为这种弱势不会持久。

3."The possibipty that the recent weakness in business spending will persist is an additional downside risk, " he said.伯南克表示:“近期企业投资乏力的局面可能持续下去,这是美国经济面临的又一种下行风险。”

4.The air itself does not necessarily sit still during all this, but the pressure patterns which dominate the weather persist.期间,空气本身必定不会静止不动,但是控制天气变化的不同气压模式却持续存在。

5.Have in the banapty of the pfe how much soptary of you, I, there will be how much persist expectantly.在平凡的生活中,有多少个孤单的你、我,就会有多少份期待的执着。

6.I've always been a person that persist my own way, for no one could ever influence my mind.我是一个我行我素的人,从没有什么人能影响到我的想法。

7.paste , and drag and drop operations retain outpning information , but do not always persist the state of the collapsible region.另外,“复制”、“剪切”、“粘贴”和拖放操作保留大纲显示信息,但不始终保持可折叠区域的状态。

8.If the problems in the money market prove to be at the worse end of expectations, and persist well into the year then so much the worse.如果事实证明,货币市场问题接近人们预期的最坏结果,并且会在今年持续相当长一段时间,那么事情就更加糟糕了。

9.Spread a bit of this cream on your face and rub evenly for a while. It can smooth away wrinkles if you persist.取本面霜少许搽于脸部,并均匀地按摩片刻,长期使用本品能消除皱纹。

10.Since the database is used only to "persist" an object and retrieve it, a database with minimum of overhead has an advantage in this model.由于数据库仅仅用于“持久保存”对象以及检索它,所以系统开销最小的数据库在该模型中就占有优势。