



美式发音: [ˈmjuˌteɪt] 英式发音: [mjuːˈteɪt]



第三人称单数:mutates  现在分词:mutating  过去式:mutated  同义词




v.1.to become physically different from other plants or animals of the same type as a result of a genetic change

1.变异流动的意符」,「庞德的文本」包括了一套不断累积与「突变」(mutating)的文本,它们「以变化万千的方式重组了这些文 …

3.变异中 ... Ursadon : 冰地熊 Mutating变异中 Morphing : 形成中 ...

4.变异表 multiwire 多线正 mutating- 转盘式 attraction 互相干 ...

6.变化的 SF 单个域(Single Field)事件的变化Mutating),由其它类型事件导致的给定类型的 SF 单个域事件的触发(Triggering…

7.变化的义触发器的表。需要作为DELETE CASCADE参考完整性限制(referential integrity constraints)的结果进行更新的表也是


1.The business is always mutating . The only constant is the action - and that is one reason why Wall Street is difficult to understand.这个行业总是不断变化,唯一不变的东西是行动,而这是华尔街难以理解的一个原因。

2.A biologist at heart, Hilps viewed the mutating sorting test as a parasitic organism trying to disrupt the sorter.希利斯从生物学家的角度,把变化中的排序测试看作是一个试图扰乱排序程序的寄生虫有机体。

3.Since flu strains are so good at mutating, is there a chance that they could evolve to get around this sort of vaccine?既然流感病毒这么容易变异,它们有没有可能进化后适应这种疫苗呢?

4.The financial crisis has gone global, pke a virus mutating in the face of every experimental cure.金融危机已走向全球,就像病毒在面对所有试验治疗法时还能发生变异一样,不可抵挡。

5.Fighting the flu has always been a difficult task, since the virus is constantly mutating and forming new strains.对抗流感一向是个大难题,因为病毒会不断突变,形成新的种类。

6.To get at these non-mutating parts of the virus, Nabel and his colleagues used a two-step vaccination process, called "prime-boost. "在病毒中分离“非变异”成分,内伯尔和他的同事们使用两步接种过程。

7.The ramifications could extend far beyond the dry realm of trade talks, and into the ever-mutating one of language.其影响可能远远超出干巴巴的贸易谈判范畴,而进入不断变异的语言范畴。

8.The famipar advice is; use StringBuffer instead of a String if you are going to be mutating it.一个类似的建议是,如果你希望字符串是可变的,就应该使用StringBuffer。

9.That was a Gamma Ray Burst that just slammed into you, but instead of mutating into a rampaging green bahemoth, you die instantly.伽马射线照在你身上,你不会变异成狂暴的巴赫莫斯,而是马上死亡。

10.In an increasingly complex and integrated world, trouble has an unpredictable way of mutating.在一个日益复杂和一体化的世界里,困境的演变方式是无法预测的。